Recent content by Ray C

  1. Ray C

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I got my first Marans at the weekend, a quad of Splash and a pair of Cuckoo. This is a pic of one of the Splash pullets.
  2. Ray C

    The Legbar Thread!

    Thanks KPenley. I love the barring on the tail feathers too. They really are an all round stunning bird and great characters too!
  3. Ray C

    The Legbar Thread!

    One of my pullets.
  4. Ray C

    Anyone in Ireland?

    Was anyone at the sale in Gosford at the weekend? It is the biggest poultry sale in Ireland.
  5. Ray C

    The Legbar Thread!

    Thanks folks. I got them to add a different egg colour to my flock. They are kept with Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners (pale egg) and French Splash Marans (dark egg).
  6. Ray C

    The Legbar Thread!

    I bought a quad of Cream Crested Legbars on Saturday. This is an egg laid by one of the hens yesterday.
  7. Ray C

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    My pair of large blue Orps. They are moulting at the moment.
  8. Ray C

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Young white Orp cockerel and buff pullet.
  9. Ray C

    Croad Langshan?

    My new Croad growers.
  10. Ray C

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    I just got them a few weeks ago but from past experience, I've found buffs to be both better layers and broodies. I'm importing some large and bantam whites from a top breeder in England next week.
  11. Ray C

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    @piglett: The pair are two years old.
  12. Ray C

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    My black bantam orp pair. All opinions appreciated.
  13. Ray C

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Partridge Polish chick at 4 weeks old.
  14. Ray C

    Gambels quail

    I've been offered a trio of Gambels. I have never kept them before. They are two years old. Can anyone tell me how old the hens will be when they stop laying?
  15. Ray C

    Italian quail? Who has them and how do they compare?

    How many Italian hens should be placed in a breeding pen with a male? I have heard 3:1 but I have heard of breeders keeping a ratio as high as 8:1.
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