Recent content by RavenStorm

  1. RavenStorm

    Any guesses on the sex and breed?

    Not familiar with the dark breed, but the yellow duckling is probably a Pekin. They way I was taught to sex young ducklings is to listen to them when they freak out over something (but please don't freak out the darlings on purpose, you know they'll do it on their own soon enough lol). Girls...
  2. RavenStorm

    Mystery brown duck eggs??

    My khakis lay pure white eggs and my muscovies lay pale green eggs or white with pale greenish speckles all over. I've never had any other breeds so sorry I can't really help there.
  3. RavenStorm

    Seeking Khaki males in SoCal

    I live in Los Angeles County and I'm looking for one or two sexually mature Khaki Campbell males to increase the gene pool of my flock. I might also be interested in an egg-laying female Khaki, but I'm mostly looking for males. If you have some extra ones that are around one year old (no older...
  4. RavenStorm

    Is my muscovy getting broody?

    Scovies will sit when they sit. I've had one girl sit for her first time one just 9 eggs, and I've had a trio of sister ducks make a nest together in one lay box and hatched out all their babies with teamwork after they had collected about 30 eggs. One sure sign that all of my ducks give when...
  5. RavenStorm

    Khakis - Laying? Where? Nest boxes? Help!

    My first Khaki didn't start laying until she was 7 months old, but now she's the star egg layer. Her offspring started laying at exactly 20 weeks. I've also had Muscovies start to lay at just under 4 months. It all just depends on your bird's breeding and genetic potential at this point...
  6. RavenStorm


    temporary emergency food ... oatmeal is good as QuakerJack mentioned, and while I hate to use just cornmeal or rice I have on occasion had to when the owner of my local feed store changed up his delivery days and I ran out before he got new feed. I try to just give my ducks greens from the...
  7. RavenStorm

    Two Muscovy Ducklings

    I have two ducklings left from a batch that hatched on December 15th. They are now 2months old and no longer need a heat lamp. I left them with their mother, so they are not used to being handled. The mother is a great egg layer, almost lays as much as my Khakis which is amazing for a...
  8. RavenStorm

    Bubbles in Muscovy Drakes Eyes

    I asked around about my buff duck having these eye bubbles a few years ago. With her it was really scary, because at the same time she had trouble walking and refused food and water. No one had any answers for me, but I nursed her back to health by just washing it out with just clean water and...
  9. RavenStorm

    duck egg question

    Do you mean, is it "dead" and will not hatch? If you want to know if a cracked egg will hatch or if it is dead I have heard of people using candle wax or other things to try and seal up a cracked egg they are incubating. It can sometimes work, but most times it is already too late. I have...
  10. RavenStorm

    Mildred's bleached feathers

    My Khaki females always change colors every year. At first they only changed when the weather was hot and they spent a lot of time in the sun, but now as they get older I've noticed that the color fade doesn't always coincide with the season (but our weather has been very shifty the past year)...
  11. RavenStorm

    Looking for some advice as to why my ducks are dying.. :(

    So sorry for you and your daughter! After reading your post, I checked through all my books about duck health since none of my ducks have behaved like yours before an untimely death. I really can't be sure what the cause of the deaths is, but I wanted to give you some options that might be...
  12. RavenStorm

    Adult Muscovy Male for Sale or Trade (CLOSED)

    I’d really like to re-home this adult male Muscovy with someone who will use him for breeding instead of eating. The only reason I want to sell him is because I need a new male for my breeding pool. I am located in Los Angeles County and will not ship him. I am willing to travel somewhat to...
  13. RavenStorm

    Duck eggs?

    Our Muscovies at first laid really pale-shelled eggs. Like you said, almost see-through. After their system really kicked in, they started laying much bigger eggs that had pale green-creamish looking eggs with slightly darker green speckles. Ducks eggs have much stronger protein bonds than...
  14. RavenStorm

    Stop the Torture

    I completely agree with RHRanch above. Breeding, boredom, bad management, high confinement, and learned behavior are the real reasons why pigs can be so violent. Breeding for temperament has gone totally by the wayside for pigs in favor of size and meat quality, so it's no surprise that they...
  15. RavenStorm

    Eating duck eggs??

    I think most people do not like duck eggs because they think the taste will be gamey/fishy/muddy. If your ducks eat the same feed as chickens, if you keep their water clean and fresh, let them eat a lot of greens and such then the taste is the same as a chickens. Also, most people (like my...
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