Recent content by RareChicken

  1. RareChicken

    Two Mille Fleur D’uccle roosters Washington,MO

    Mille Fleur D’uccle roosters Hatch date:08/13/2023 Very sweet boys! I hand raised them and they can be shy at times but love treats. Both roosters have been vaccinated for: Mareks Disease, Coccidia, Fowl Pox, and AE. Both roosters were tested for parasites on: 01/05/2023 Results were...
  2. RareChicken

    Help! Rooster NOT doing well (photos included!)

    Thank you for your sympathy! He was one of my best chicken buddies.
  3. RareChicken

    Help! Rooster NOT doing well (photos included!)

    I wanted to inform anyone who reads this thread about what this ended up being. Cole (the rooster) ended up having cancer in his crop and was euthanized. The others that I believed had cankers were tested and it came back negative. The yellow plaque is gone in the others but the veterinary is...
  4. RareChicken

    Help! Rooster NOT doing well (photos included!)

    Thank you so much! He’s one of my best boys! He’s almost through his canker treatment. I’ve managed to keep his weight steady and today he has started eating on his own again. Not eating a lot but it’s something! He’s filling his crop to were you can feel an amount of food again. I know that’s...
  5. RareChicken

    Help! Rooster NOT doing well (photos included!)

    The yellow crust on his beak is just some of the health shake from him messing in it a bit. He mainly just slept on his roosting bar today but he’s getting more vocal like he was before he became ill.
  6. RareChicken

    Help! Rooster NOT doing well (photos included!)

    No wounds and no lice or mites. I bathed him on the 4th to get a really good look at his skin to look for wounds or mites and saw nothing. I feed Kalmbach 20% protein full plume feathering right now because I have some hens coming out of hard molts. I don’t feed treats because it takes away...
  7. RareChicken

    Help! Rooster NOT doing well (photos included!)

    I have a rooster that’s been ill since the 3rd. Here’s the story… I noticed that he didn’t seem his typical insane self on the 3rd. That same day we had a rooster get his comb almost ripped off by what I believe was a barn cat from someone else’s property. I believe it grabbed him through the...
  8. RareChicken

    Ducks foot

    Did you remove all of the infection? Keeping it clean is the key especially after having surgery done. I would recommend keeping her inside for about a week. Use a dog crate or a pen. Use a towel for in her crate and try your best to change the towel everyday. Wrap her foot with gauze soaked in...
  9. RareChicken

    GRAPHIC What killed my hen? Predator or illness?

    I’m so sorry for your loss!! I know how upsetting something like this can be! I would honestly say Vulture. If they find a weak hen they will take advantage of the situation. She could have possibly of already passed. Which could make sense for the lack of blood. Blood is no longer being pumped...
  10. RareChicken

    Chicken eaten alive-warning graphic descriptions & pics! Help identify this predator!

    I’m so sorry for your loss!! This looks EXACTLY like when one of my livestock guard dogs went crazy and got ahold of one of my chickens. She’s a smaller Bernese Mountain Dog mix and the chicken was a California White. I’m not entirely sure how it had happened but I know for sure it was the dog...
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