Recent content by randerson846

  1. randerson846

    Hatching chicks and ducklings together?

    Sorry haven't been on in a while, and I got it sorted that day, he had it in for 2 days and is fine now!!
  2. randerson846

    May hatch along :)

    Sorry haven't been on in a while, but so far out of the 24 eggs, I have 8 left, 16 in total were in fertile or died early on :( good luck to everyone!
  3. randerson846

    May hatch along :)

    What incubator is that? And good luck
  4. randerson846


    Sorry to hear that :(
  5. randerson846

    May hatch along :)

    Sorry to hear about your Isbar, but other than that u sound as if you have a reasonably good chance for a few chicks :D good luck !!
  6. randerson846

    May hatch along :)

    Very nice, make sure to stay in this post, and keep up the updates :)!!!
  7. randerson846


    Ducks are great, they are so funny to watch!! Looking forward to having two geese walk around!!
  8. randerson846

    May hatch along :)

    When are they due to hatch?
  9. randerson846

    Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

    I will read the link, and I have them in a box, with chopped straw in it
  10. randerson846

    march april and may hatch along

    one-off the geese I hatched has spradle leg, so I have bandaged them together in a figure 8, with like a neck in the middle, and I know I have to leave it for 24 hours and then I can take it of again and he should be fine? Isn't that right :)? Any tips please help!
  11. randerson846

    May hatch along :)

    Thanks :) I have been wanting silkies as well, so I got as many as I could, so I could maybe get a few!! I candles tonight and out of 24 13 are fertile, so I binned the other 11!
  12. randerson846

    Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

    Ok thanks hoping that ones a goose and ones a gander so I can hatch them next year! By the way one of the goslings has spradle leg, I have bandaged them together like a figure 8 with like a neck in the middle, and I know I have to leave it on 24 hours and then I can take it of again and he...
  13. randerson846

    Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

    Did they hatch them themselves? How many can a goose sit on without affecting hatch rate?
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