Recent content by RanchRodeo

  1. RanchRodeo

    Vaccinate or Not

    i try to buy from small breeders or hatch my own eggs. Never had a sick one.
  2. RanchRodeo

    Royal Palm Breed Standard issues

    I just decided to learn about them, thence the reason why.
  3. RanchRodeo

    Royal Palm Breed Standard issues

    Do you have a pic of the perfect one. Just learning.
  4. RanchRodeo

    Royal Palm Breed Standard issues

    Do you have a pic of the perfect one. Just learning.
  5. RanchRodeo

    Royal Palm Breed Standard issues

    So the barring is on the wings as well? Just learning
  6. RanchRodeo

    Review by '' on item 'Indian Runner'

    The runners have a personality like no other! Love them.
  7. RanchRodeo

    Incubator off all night! Eggs cold! Are they ok?? Yes!! My story to help others

    Omg. So glad you posted this. Thank you. This happened to me this am. Got down to 75. On 115th day.
  8. RanchRodeo

    Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

    Having Iceys in the coop just silly!, mine are never in it except for the night shift. And yes, they all want to share the same box, goofballs.
  9. RanchRodeo

    Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

    Icelandic, was reading up on sexing as day old chicks. Those with the long eyeliners should be female. They also feather faster than the roos, Anxious to see if it goes that way!
  10. RanchRodeo

    Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

    Icelandic, was reading up on sexing as day old chicks. Those with the long eyeliners should be female. They also feather faster than the roos, Anxious to see if it goes that way!
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