Recent content by Racsan

  1. Racsan

    front yard refrigerator-winter?

    Ive had a bottle of drinking water in the door just to keep tabs in weather it freezes or not. It hasnt but the thermometer above the bottle has read below 32 for the past few days. I checked the eggs a while ago and found one shell had cracked so Im pulling the plug , pulling the trailer behind...
  2. Racsan

    What's the temperature where you are???

    21 here in central ohio, high of 40 (sometime) today. bbrrrd! 8 am as the sun is rising
  3. Racsan

    front yard refrigerator-winter?

    I sell my extra eggs out in the front yard with a small fridge in a trailer, It turned cold and im wondering if eggs will freeze out there or if the insulation of the fridge will keep that from happening. I like my sales setup because I takes care of itself and Im not much of a people person...
  4. Racsan

    Do your birds talk to you?

    mine are always “talking” especially when it’s evening and Im about to let them out a hour before sunset. they clearly know what “ready to come out and play?” means. Oddly enough the egg-laying squaking doesn’t always mean a egg was layed. And one time I was gathering eggs when the bird in the...
  5. Racsan

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I taught my daughter how to change a tire, and she has had to before more than once by herself. My mom on the other hand has no interest in knowing anything, her attitude is “I have a son & husband that know how to do things, there is no reason for me to know anything “. Yet in the early ‘80’s...
  6. Racsan

    How to stop chickens from roosting in aframe

    In my coop I have a 2x4 across one wall to the other that I can hang a feeder & waterer from, I had concerns about my birds wanting to roost up there so I used some extra plywood to go from that beam up to the rafter. No edge to perch on that way. In this picture its hard to see but its there...
  7. Racsan

    my coop evolution over the last year

    We have had our chickens now for about a year & a half, started out with a basic tsc coop we found used on marketplace, we then found a 4’ high kennel for a yard area for it, then I got a 12x12 kennel as a attachment and used the smaller kennel as roof panels , then tarped it up for winter. I...
  8. Racsan

    Roofing choices for covered run?

    I would worry about the clear poly turning the run into a hot greenhouse, with mine I have a 8x22 4’ high kennel run with bigger kennel panels on it as a roof- mostly as protection from hawks & eagles. the first 6 ft from the chicken house is covered for shade & rain (the feeder hangs under that...
  9. Racsan

    What did you do with your flock today?

    That reminds me, when I first moved my flock into the new chicken house they were used to a tarped up 12x12 kennel as their home with no floor, just deep bedding that they could and did did through on occasion. Well in the new building they could be heard hammering away on the plywood floor...
  10. Racsan

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    We were in a perkins restaurant a few months back and I couldn’t help but notice that everyone there was over 50 and my first thought was that this was where the older crowd must gather, then it dawns on me- we ARE in that group now. so much for “sweet 16 has turned 31” - my number is associated...
  11. Racsan

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Im in ohio, north central region, marion county specifically, just south of 309 but on a backroad. When all the leaves are gone you can just barely see & hear the traffic on that major road.
  12. Racsan

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Let mine out about a hour before dark to enjoy some untrampled yard, maybe find some bugs, grubs or other goodies. My newest birds barley left the run area while my older birds went almost to the property line (house is in the middle of about 3 acres)
  13. Racsan

    The AMERAUCANA thread

    Well I was under the impression I had a americana but now it seems I dont, was labeled that way from rural king. This bird is one of my originals, a year & a half old now, lays a light green egg. yellow/white bird. Usually its the bird that starts something, so naturally this bird got the name...
  14. Racsan

    Tea, Coffee, or Hot Chocolate?

    Hot chocolate, make it in the kerug, fill cup 1/2 way with mini marshmallows beforehand. I like a cup on weekend mornings and occasionally after work.
  15. Racsan

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Came home at 5 today and had 9 eggs total, only hen that didnt give was my bantam and she gave me a egg the last 3 days. My americana gave me her green egg today after a 2 day break. The one wrinkly egg is back, all I can think when I get one is “ouch!” lol
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