Recent content by quiltnchik

  1. quiltnchik

    Raw Milk

    In Virginia it is illegal to sell raw milk, even for pets. We have fewer laws governing firearms than we do for raw milk; it's ridiculous!
  2. quiltnchik

    Richmond Virginia Chicken Ordinance

    Richmond Virginia Chicken Ordinance Are Chickens Allowed in this location Yes Max Chickens Allowed 4 "female chickens" Roosters Allowed No Permit Required Yes, $60 annual fee Coop Restrictions Section 10-97 (d) Any person to whom a permit has been issued in accordance with section...
  3. quiltnchik

    Norfolk Virginia Chicken Ordinance

    Norfolk Virginia Chicken Ordinance Are Chickens Allowed in this location With a permit from the Health Department Max Chickens Allowed Roosters Allowed No Permit Required Yes Coop Restrictions It is suggested to ask when requesting a permit. City/Organization Contact name For...
  4. quiltnchik

    do chickens need to be free range

    Mine free-range all day every day and then go up at night. We have the occasional hawk fly over (the crows run them off), and we've only had 2 losses, both of them bantam hens, in 2 years. I agree that I'd rather have happy, healthy birds, and they get what they need a lot better from...
  5. quiltnchik


    Quote: While I know this is often a concern for people, I have raised turkeys and chickens together and know quite a few others who have as well. Just my 2 cents Someone here in VA is now dealing with this very issue, and every single one of her birds has to be treated. She has lost several...
  6. quiltnchik


    Quote: Adorable! FYI - in case you don't already know - don't keep the chicks and poults together. Chickens can carry black head and show no signs, and it is deadly to turkeys and spreads like wildfire.
  7. quiltnchik


    Here's my entry for this month's contest. I have absolutely NO idea how many have hatched out of the 26 I set (I didn't candle at lock down), but I know it's getting mighty crowded in there!
  8. quiltnchik

    Bad hatch and dying chicks!

    Quote: Normally when you throw a blanket over an incubator during a power failure, the humidity spikes as the temp drops. It sounds like the humidity got too high, which is what caused your hatching problems and the chick abnormalities. Sorry this happened
  9. quiltnchik


    I'm in! I didn't realize there would be a hatch along this month or I would have signed up sooner. I set the following on April 27th: - 6 EE - 7 Silkie - 12 Cochin I went into lock down on Saturday, May 14th, and have 2 babies hatched so far today - 1 Cochin and 1 EE - with a bunch more eggs...
  10. quiltnchik

    Are You A Brinsea Owner? - April Hatch Along - Prize: Ecoglow Brooder!

    Here's my entry for this month, though we're nowhere near done hatching yet. I have 24 eggs in the Brinsea, but didn't candle before locking down, so there may be some that never should have gone in lock down. As it stands, however, I have no idea how many chicks are in my 20 eco; the only...
  11. quiltnchik

    Are You A Brinsea Owner? - April Hatch Along - Prize: Ecoglow Brooder!

    Quote: If he's smart he'll keep telling you no. Ducklings are M-E-S-S-Y!!
  12. quiltnchik

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Well, the last Silkie hatched sometime this morning, so we now have 4 Silkie chicks (from 4 eggs) and 1 barnyard-mix (from 3 eggs). I checked the 2 remaining eggs and they were duds, so I disposed of them. Poof is being a great momma and the little ones are eating and drinking. I have a...
  13. quiltnchik

    Are You A Brinsea Owner? - April Hatch Along - Prize: Ecoglow Brooder!

    Just put 24 eggs on lock down in my Brinsea 20 eco this morning. They're a mix of Ameraucana, B/B/S Silkies, Mille Fleur D'uccle and barnyard-mix. I figure the bantams will most likely start appearing tomorrow night, but definitely by Easter
  14. quiltnchik

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Quote: Feed store chicks are normally not more than 3 days old and can be grafted immediately, even with a first-time broody. I grafted meaties onto my first broody (her first time, as well) and she did fantastic with them. Just do it at night - keep the chicks balled up in your fist and...
  15. quiltnchik

    What color are these Silkies?

    These just hatched under my broody yesterday - she's white and the papa is buff. They look like they might be partridge to me, but I'm hoping some of our resident Silkie experts will chime in with some help
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