Recent content by QueenMisha

  1. QueenMisha

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    Makes me wish I lived closer!
  2. QueenMisha

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    I've yet to decide which age I really like best. I'm leaning towards 10 weeks. I think the younger ones are both easier and more difficult than older ones. In one way, younger ones seem a lot less "grown together" and removing and cutting the necessary bits is easier, and bleeding is minimal...
  3. QueenMisha

    GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

    This thread looks a little dead so I thought I'd liven it up. Did 12 cockerels today. They were maybe 13 weeks. Cochins, Orps, Welsummers, and Olive Eggers. Lost one Wellie but otherwise pretty good. Tested out my tools from Poco Pollo the first time and found them PHENOMENAL. I think I have...
  4. QueenMisha

    Malay thread

    My first few hatches of Malay. Eight healthy chicks that are growing beautifully.
  5. QueenMisha

    Color genetics thread.

    My guess is something recessive in the line. The parent stock all appears to be hatchery so it's not unusual to see unwanted recessives pop up.
  6. QueenMisha

    Worried Rooster

    You can try your local craigslist and local Facebook poultry swap pages if you need to rehome him. Old fashioned posters are also a good way. Be sure to make him seem very likable. If he does not have a name, give him one. Describe any good personality traits he has shown. Get good-quality...
  7. QueenMisha

    Can anyone help me determine sex of my Chickens?

    It's too early to tell much of anything. Those combs are rather large but they lack color so I wouldn't even take a guess on these yet. Try back when they are 10-12 weeks old.
  8. QueenMisha

    Norman the Rooster

    Norma's eggs went in today... Fingers crossed. (Featuring some Serama eggs as well.)
  9. QueenMisha

    Norman the Rooster

    I have been doing some badly needed updating on my workplace's Facebook page and did a couple photo shoots to replace the header photo. I got some really nice ones, but Norman and Norma were posing so well that they won. (Granted I may have been biased.)
  10. QueenMisha

    Norman the Rooster

    Lord, I wish I'd been relaxing all this time I've been away. In actuality I've been working five to six days a week. Amazing how little time is left for other things when so much time is spent at work. (Not that I can really complain, I'm getting money doing what I love.)
  11. QueenMisha

    Silkie comb question

    Straight comb is recessive (meaning it can hide) while pea comb is dominant (meaning any bird who has it will show it). So pea comb would be a better choice.
  12. QueenMisha

    New to chickens - best breeds for tick control?

    Guineas are really best. But gamefowl (Americans specifically) are the best foragers you can get.
  13. QueenMisha

    Bantam breed help

    Buff Brahma.
  14. QueenMisha

    Norman the Rooster

    Updated pictures are here early! (Well, technically several months late... But nonetheless they are here. Featuring Norman, Norma, and their new digs. We recently remodeled a lot of the shop and I was able to move them from a crate to a small 7x2ish run. Norman and Norma are well. Norman did...
  15. QueenMisha

    California - Northern

    I don't breed them but I have a pullet I got from a guy here on BYC who sells chicks and hatching eggs. He's not local but he does ship. She's a really nice bird, wish I had more like her but the hatching eggs I got (despite being well packed) arrived quite, er, scrambled, so she was the only...
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