Recent content by Putnis

  1. P

    Help! Liquid in air cells!

    Thank you, your answer did brought a little hope for some of eggs! 🥳
  2. P

    Help! Liquid in air cells!

    Hello! This will be second time, I got problems with incubating... 😭 So, I have turkey and chicken eggs, wich I added week later. After that havent opened incubator and was keeping eye on temp and humidity. Temp. 37,5 C° and humidity around 40 - 55, maybe 60% when freshly added water. On day...
  3. P

    Help needed in hatching wrong end!

    Thank you for your kind words, they really made me feel better about what happened. In the end, from all the eggs(maybe 15 turkey eggs), i got only 3 turkey chicks to hatch, one also with help. I waited for the rest until day 38, in hopes that maybe some are just lazy hatchers. But they didnt...
  4. P

    Chicken refuses to walk, maybe poisoning? Help!

    Went to pick her up and found her in nesting box, where she laid and egg and now looks fine - walks, eats and drinks! 🥳 Probably it was some egg related problem... I still will be keeping eye on her, but can I give them all a bit salty water for mold profilactic? I also have turkeys. Or maybe...
  5. P

    Chicken refuses to walk, maybe poisoning? Help!

    Thank you very much! Will do that right away!
  6. P

    Chicken refuses to walk, maybe poisoning? Help!

    Hello! Today I faund one of my chickens laying down, more on her side and refusing to get up. Usually she's not happy with me touching her or lifting her up, but this time she didnt argue much. Her crop isnt hard, there is no hard lumps, its squishy and not very full. Tried to feel her bottom...
  7. P

    Help needed in hatching wrong end!

    He died... After death, opened remaining shell, his yolk havent absorbed at all, after more than 24 h from trying to pip. It looked like he drowned in some liquid, that was still in his mouth? Or it was me, opening too much of shell?
  8. P

    Help needed in hatching wrong end!

    When it dried a bit, I was able to move that inner membrane a little bit away from his nostrils. But he's not chirping, just opening his mouth sometimes. In his beak got in that yellow discharge, to which he was glued before. I did apply some vaseline on membranes, but not sure, how long he can...
  9. P

    Help needed in hatching wrong end!

    Hello! This is my second hatch, with mixed turkey/chicken eggs, that I made a lot mistakes with, from the first day. I had opened incubator a lot, to take out already hatched ones, because I was so stupid that I put in some chicken eggs in the same time as turkey eggs 🤦🏻‍♀️ Some turkey eggs...
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