Recent content by Purifiedx

  1. P

    Is it time to cull my 3 month old hen? Vet said it's a pinched nerve or Marek's.

    Yeah I guess I just tried whatever I could in hopes it'd help! I will look into getting specifically vitamin B and E. Do you have any recommendations on what to get and where? I actually have B complex for humans but I imagine I want something specifically for chickens? I just don't want to...
  2. P

    Is it time to cull my 3 month old hen? Vet said it's a pinched nerve or Marek's.

    While she can move her legs her toes don't grip much if at all. She jumped on that pink bin a few times at night but I never got to witness her getting up there. She hasn't tried to roost up high in days though. We have been giving her a quite concentrated vitamin powder in her water for the...
  3. P

    Is it time to cull my 3 month old hen? Vet said it's a pinched nerve or Marek's.

    VIDEO HERE: My husband and I are first time chicken owners. Two weeks ago one of our hens, Moon, very suddenly had balance issues. Just hours before she was running around and jumping up on all the roosts. Then when we went to give them an evening treat before bed we noticed her walking with...
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