Recent content by PuddleEndChicken

  1. P

    Raising guinea fowl keets under a Pekin bantam - help !!

    @sourland thank you. I've noticed this evening that the bantam seems to want to roost up rather than sit with the keet - there's no roosting bar so she's just standing up rather than spreading out for the keet to get under her. The keet keeps trying to get on her back (as it can't get under...
  2. P

    Raising guinea fowl keets under a Pekin bantam - help !!

    Just thinking that this is the time when the bantam would naturally have stopped brooding (ie around 3 weeks after she started) so maybe she's now not broody she's not allowing the keets under her anymore and they are dying of cold ? She doesn't seem very interested in the remaining one.....
  3. P

    Raising guinea fowl keets under a Pekin bantam - help !!

    @sourland So everything was going OK until today both the keets made it to the 2 week mark and looked good and the bantam stopped brooding and seemed to be looking after them. I did notice that one of the keets didn't seem to eat quite as much, sort of holding back when the bantam called them...
  4. P

    Raising guinea fowl keets under a Pekin bantam - help !!

    @sourland thank you, I'll leave them with the hen and keep an eye on them.....
  5. P

    Raising guinea fowl keets under a Pekin bantam - help !!

    I've hatched out 2 guinea fowl keets in the incubator (rest didn't make it due to power cut, long story). They are 2 days old. I've got a broody Pekin bantam (she's been broody for about a week). So last night I put the 2 keets and about 3 of the unhatched eggs (just in case) under the bantam...
  6. P

    URGENT Hen walking in circles with head down and eyes closed

    @LaFleche thank you for your input, that's really helpful.
  7. P

    URGENT Hen walking in circles with head down and eyes closed

    @LaFleche @Kiki @Eggcessive so just an update. So I gave the wry neck hen some rehydration, vitamins, mashed up layers pellets and vitamin E tablets - had to syringe it in. For a couple of days she improved in terms of holding her head up a bit higher and walking straight in the day and then...
  8. P

    URGENT Hen walking in circles with head down and eyes closed

    Just to update. Today she has her eyes open but she's not reacting to anything - either a sudden noise or any movement. I do wonder whether it's brain damage (possible stroke as someone mentioned ?) I checked her over - no mites or lice, vent clean and no vent swellings, no mites in the ears...
  9. P

    URGENT Hen walking in circles with head down and eyes closed

    Thanks all, I will start on the Vitamins and egg and see how we go. Also treat the legs too. Many thanks for all your input.
  10. P

    URGENT Hen walking in circles with head down and eyes closed

    @LaFleche, yes i saw that and I'm going to put vaseline on them....or what do you suggest ?
  11. P

    URGENT Hen walking in circles with head down and eyes closed

    @Kiki @nuthatched did you manage to see the video ? To be honest she lives 95% on the layers pellets and only has a few grains of corn at night or occasional scrap so I really think it might be something other than the nutrition. I have 59 other chickens and they are all healthy on the same...
  12. P

    URGENT Hen walking in circles with head down and eyes closed

    I think I've uploaded it to youtube but it might not be available for a few mins...
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