Recent content by Puck-Puck

  1. Puck-Puck

    Same hatch: one breed hatched well, the other poorly

    Ah. No, because most of those dead in the shell had not yet pipped. Perhaps I'll try again next year, with eggs from this year's crossbreeds, as well as their parents, and see if I can deduce whether it's more to do with genetics, or egg size, or something else. Footnote, the last Leghorn to...
  2. Puck-Puck

    Same hatch: one breed hatched well, the other poorly

    Hello Ridgerunner, Thank you for all of these clarifying questions. The eggs are all from my hens, who get fed the same layer ration, and none of the ladies seem to be bullied. If anything, they interact mostly with each other. (Birds of a feather do tend to flock together.) The Leghorns were...
  3. Puck-Puck

    Same hatch: one breed hatched well, the other poorly

    Hello all, hoping for your insight. I've just hatched a bunch of chicks, and am puzzled by the result. I'd like to learn where things went wrong, and how to better handle things next time. Using a Hovabator, which has given sterling service over the years, I set 23 Ameraucana eggs, and 11...
  4. Puck-Puck

    What breeds might have created this?

    She looks just like one that I purchased as an Ameraucana chick. She was very bright, curious, smarter than your average chicken. ;) And, her eggs were actually light blue, not minty green.
  5. Puck-Puck

    When can you tell if you have any roo's?

    Depending on the breed, you can tell in a few days, as soon as the first feathers start to come in. In my experience, the girls' wing feathers will start to come in much faster than the boys'. Their feathering out is always ahead of the boys. Secondly, the boys grow long, stout legs while...
  6. Puck-Puck

    Says who, old birds are tough?

    After reading horror stories about how people couldn't get their teeth through old birds, and that they were only good for soup or stew, I just had to prepare an 18 month old free-range hen as a roast, to find out just how tough a bird could be. Her skin was a little tough, but the meat was...
  7. Puck-Puck

    Processed my first bird today.

    Alice, I feel your pain! I butchered my first bird on Thursday, to put her out of everyone else's misery...she was mean (red rock cross). I will also have a set of sharp knives with a bow on them, next time, even if I have to buy those knives and put the bow on them, myself! I, uh, used wire...
  8. Puck-Puck

    Byc Trivia Challenge

    Phooey, here I am about to keep a dinner engagement. Have fun for me, everyone, and congratulations in advance to the winners!
  9. Puck-Puck

    Red rock cross or red sussex cross roosters?

    I hope the hypothesis is right. Will you post the results after all's said, done, and eaten? And, as a former Vancouverite, I'm curious to know which neighbourhood you live in, that nine crowing roosters raise no complaints. Southlands?
  10. Puck-Puck

    Red rock cross or red sussex cross roosters?

    I cannot answer the question you asked, Raroo, and I know you're talking about roosters, not hens. BUT, if you decide to experiment with the dual purpose birds: I have noticed a difference in temperament and economy between the Red Sussex Cross hens (sweet birds!) and the Red Rock Cross hens...
  11. Puck-Puck

    Hatchery Customer Reviews.

    Name: Miller Hatcheries Ship date: 25th May 2009 Received: 27th May 2009 @ agent Temp HERE: -2C in am; nights frosty, days warm in sun Ordered: 25, got 26 DOA: zero Lost in 2 days: zero Lost in a week: zero Miller Hatcheries doesn't have a big selection, mostly hybrids, but the birds...
  12. Puck-Puck

    same batch split, different results: ???

    Answering my own question and posting, in case anyone needs to see "control group statistics" on the benefit of a light *if* you are concerned about late laying. *Assuming* that it all isn't a big coincidence and was going to happen anyhow, these are the results of supplementing morning and...
  13. Puck-Puck

    need some advice???

    No, this is the right section, as the basic question is "can I eat my hens if they have had a sickness in the past?". Problem is, many people don't actually read a whole post before responding. Happyfeet, maybe put the above question in the title? (Sorry, not knowledgeable to answer, but I...
  14. Puck-Puck

    Going on vacation- help with sitter

    As someone who often looks after other people's critters, I appreciate: -knowing where feed is kept -enough feed etc. to actually last for the amount of time the person will be away! -written instructions if medications are to be given, or if everyone's feeding schedule is different -knowing...
  15. Puck-Puck

    The Ultimate Newbie Question!

    Wow, lots of variation in the statistics. I'll just add more info to the mix. I have two separate coops, for which I open separate bags of feed--less walking back and forth for me, and I can keep track of which coop goes through how much. Thirteen red sex links at the beginning of their...
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