Recent content by PrincessTee

  1. PrincessTee

    Dual puropose chicken feed

    We saw our first egg today! When should we switch to all flock feed? Do we wait till we see more eggs or switch out now?
  2. PrincessTee

    Dual puropose chicken feed

    They currently have a 20% starter grower they are consuming. But I'm looking for information on food once they start laying.
  3. PrincessTee

    Dual puropose chicken feed

    Our store unfortunately does not sell this. We have been using dumor. Would dumor 17% all flock pellet for poultry be sufficient?
  4. PrincessTee

    Dual puropose chicken feed

    I've heard not to switch over their food until we see the first egg. Does this stand true for the most part or should we switch based on age?
  5. PrincessTee

    Dual puropose chicken feed

    Hello there, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this if not please guide me to the correct thread. We have buff oprington chickens that we planned to use for dual purpose, eggs and meat we don't separate our birds. We Have about 8 hens and a rooster. I heard the rooster shouldn't...
  6. PrincessTee

    Swollen chick eye, new owner

    My chick's eye has been swollen and I'm sure they can't see out of it. He is slow moving around and just lays most of the time. We can get him to drink by putting his beak in the water but we haven't seen him eat much if at all. Is there a way we can get nutrition in this little guy? We've been...
  7. PrincessTee

    New to raising chicks

    Thank you for the information! I'm always learning. A student of life. I appreciate the quick responses. This site has been a blessing so far!! 🤗
  8. PrincessTee

    New to raising chicks

    Okay, so I'm completely new when it comes to raising chick's. I've done weeks of research etc but some things you just learn by doing. This leads me to ask, my chick's are about 3 days old and I can see their little feathers starting to come in. I noticed that multiple of them were almost I'm...
  9. PrincessTee

    Day old chick eye swollen

    I did have it and used it to clean and put gel on the eye, thank you so much! 🤗
  10. PrincessTee

    Day old chick eye swollen

    Here's the best I got so far
  11. PrincessTee

    Day old chick eye swollen

    I just received my chick's. I don't believe they are even a day old because of how early they arrived. Regardless one of my chick's keels falling slowly forward. I looked at them and their eye is swollen. It's hard to get a proper picture
  12. PrincessTee

    Review by 'PrincessTee' in article 'Bedding Part 1: Comparing Materials'

    :thumbsup Informative, simple, to the point. I appreciate this and will come back to this for future reference as my chicks get older.
  13. PrincessTee

    Review by 'PrincessTee' in article 'Things I wish I knew before I got my first chick'

    This was incredibly informative. A helpful addition to my own information packet i am creating. Thank you for sharing:D
  14. PrincessTee

    Review by 'PrincessTee' in article 'What Happens When Chickens Molt?'

    :yesss: This was so informative! I had no idea hens molt after every lay so this is great information to have. Thank you for taking the time to create this article it trly helps novices such as myself. Keep up the solid work!🐣
  15. PrincessTee

    Review by 'PrincessTee' in article 'Guide to Letting Broody Hens Hatch and Raise Chicks'

    :D I had so many questions abouy brooding. Broody hens and how to go about alllowing my hen to brood and what to look out for to know when they're growing broody. You did a wonderful job of illterating this clearly without it being to confusing. Thank you for the pros and cons of either options...
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