Recent content by PrincessKristin

  1. PrincessKristin

    wondering what breed/sex this is?

    they all three look excataly alike. Same markings and red combs, I cannot get anymore pics to upload :( do you think they are def roos though? Do you think that many roos will all get along with my flock?
  2. PrincessKristin

    wondering what breed/sex this is?

    Hello from Texas! I was at the TSC and bought 6 new chick. 3 are RIR pullets ( beautiful ) and 3 mystery strait runs. I was thinking my mystery chicks are barred rock, however I am wondering if anyone can tell if I have 3 new roo's? Also if you think they will be fine with my existing flock...
  3. PrincessKristin

    Favus or Pox?please help

    It looks like my hens who had dry fowlpox.
  4. PrincessKristin

    eye stuck shut

    Yes, neosoporin oitment without pain relief. We have used it on kittens ( even week old ones) and hens as well and it clears up infections. Even genric triple antibiotic from walmart ect is good. :) just make sure its NOT cream or pain relief kind. Kristin
  5. PrincessKristin

    bathing chickens

    CV = Apple Cider Vinegar
  6. PrincessKristin

    eye stuck shut

    Have you washed it with a warm wet cloth? You might can try neosporin ointment not the pain relief kind nor cream, to stop any infections. Could she have gotton it scratched anyhow?
  7. PrincessKristin

    yelow / white and black spots on comb and wattles??

    Absolutly, mine feel better, about 3-4 weeks then they are immune for life like people with chicken pox lol ( theres a pun in that somehow) but its not contagious to people. Mine never even acted sick but one who got it on her eyes which swelled shut. I washed her eyes daily and put...
  8. PrincessKristin

    help, possible egg bound easter egger

    Still no egg but she act fine even shakes her tail featherS eat drink like nothings wrong
  9. PrincessKristin

    help, possible egg bound easter egger

    I tried to see if i can feel the egg in her vent and cannot just tissue but when I feel her tummy I can feel the egg in her belly. She free ranged today ate drank well. I do not want to make her feel traumatized. She is not use to being handled, So I will let her rest tonight and try to do the...
  10. PrincessKristin

    yelow / white and black spots on comb and wattles??

    Dry pox. My flock is just finishing up there bout of it. I did have to treat them for a secondary infection that they had, but was told by everyone that fowlpox does not require it. It helped the secondary infect and fowlpox is clearing on its own. :) I hope your flock feels better soon!
  11. PrincessKristin

    help, possible egg bound easter egger

    Tried soaking her again last night, but she did not drop her egg. I had to put her back in the pen this morning due to having to go to work. She is acting normal now just eating and such. I will put it in God's hands while I'm at work and bath her again this evening. I pray that she will make it...
  12. PrincessKristin

    help, possible egg bound easter egger

    I'm not sure what to do I bathed her and took some lub and put in into her vent with a medicine syringe ( without the neatle (sp?) and she is acting like she is trying to drop the egg but she hasent yet and its been several hours. I'm starting to think she might not. I found on her feet things...
  13. PrincessKristin

    help, possible egg bound easter egger

    Good I am so glad o hear that. I am just so upset she has been holding onto this egg for at least since sunday and I think it is sideways
  14. PrincessKristin

    help, possible egg bound easter egger

    Casportpony did your two birds live? :(
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