Recent content by Pozees

  1. Pozees

    12+ Naked Neck hatching eggs BIN shipping inc.

    Have you sold all you intended or is there another box for sale?
  2. Pozees

    Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

    SOLD on BIN #1. I will PM you for paypal information.
  3. Pozees


    Suncatcher and Ashdoes have it pretty well summed up :) This is your flock and no one else's. If you reach the point where *you* feel he is too difficult or dangerous, that's when you consider culling. What a person tolerates in his or her flock is up to the individual keeper. Keep in mind...
  4. Pozees


    First of all, excellent story, and so right, way cheaper to test! I can only imagine how awful you felt wondering if you were going to have to cull your flock. I saw Sarah a few months ago and mentioned one of the groups I follow was having a lengthy discussion about MG (Mycoplasma...
  5. Pozees

    Looking For Silkie Breeders in Colorado :)

    I hatch Silkies almost every week, and frequently have Splash.
  6. Pozees


    DK, yes, that seems reasonable to me - be warned, though, there may be some sellers with "layers" for way less - last weekend at Elizabeth there was a man selling what looked to me like older hens for $4 each - he had so many crammed into each cage I felt awful for the birds. All looked like...
  7. Pozees


    LOL I know what you mean, our walls are still beige too, one of these days we'll paint them :) There are many well-meaning folks here who consider any flock that's ever had any infection or infestation as voodoo. They may have been lucky so far - or they may not even know their birds are...
  8. Pozees


    I have wild birds here all the time too, and I have no desire to raise my birds in a bubble, so I just have to deal with what's here and work toward resistant flocks. I thought I was at least free of worry about coccidiosis, but the wetter weather this year proved me wrong on that. It's always...
  9. Pozees


    Ashdoes, sorry to read of your trials, it's very difficult to deal with. It sounds as if they don't know whether it was Marek's yet, and I would think by now they would know that, but the Marek's discussion is useful. I have read more papers on Marek's than I can even count. One frustrating...
  10. Pozees


    Greetings all, sorry I have been absent so long. It has been a busy and challenging summer! I hope all are well and hope to be visiting more often. If anyone is looking for chicks I have some Silkies and Ameraucana/EE, and I plan to attend the swap at the Elizabeth Big R this coming Sunday...
  11. Pozees

    CO Hatching Eggs

    I have hatching eggs available for Silkies, Bantam Cochins, and Ameraucanas plus an EE and Cuckoo Marans covered by the Black Ameraucana male. $1 per egg. I have eggs collected Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week as well as whatever I collect the rest of the week, and can do a mix if...
  12. Pozees

    The Old Folks Home

    Maddy is adorable regardless of how much hair she has. We will all be thinking of her and of you - I hope you will let us all know how she is doing. ChickenCanoe, I am not showing, someone I know may have entered a Dominique or two, not sure, and others I know only virtually are to be there...
  13. Pozees


    Oh if they're day 24 then they aren't going to hatch, sorry, I thought it wasn't quite that far. That's too bad, but at least you have 2 beautiful chicks for her to raise and it looks like they're both pullets!
  14. Pozees

    The Old Folks Home

    Congratulations SCG, get some rest! You must be exhausted!
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