Recent content by PotterWatch

  1. PotterWatch

    What type of egg is this?

    My Dad found this egg when he was mowing today. I don't have anything that lays an egg this size, nor do my birds roam as far as my parents' house. Maybe a goose that wandered from the neighbor's house? Next to a duck egg. Compared to my hand. Next to a turkey egg.
  2. PotterWatch

    What is your guess on the gender of these chicks?

    Not my chicks. They were sold to a friend as RSL pullets. To me, they look very light for pullets but I've never had RSLs so I'm certainly no expert.
  3. PotterWatch

    Different duck breeds together

    I read that different breeds incubate for different lengths of time. I have mallards and cayugas. Can I put them in at the same time? If so, what day do I put them on lockdown? I've hatched chicken, turkey, and guinea eggs plenty of times but never duck.
  4. PotterWatch

    Who is raising their own Thanksgiving turkey?

    I would have started later or slaughtered earlier had I realized this bird was a different breed than what I ordered. I want a good sized bird but this is too big!
  5. PotterWatch

    Help!! Someone please help me!! I have a 35 # turkey to cook!

    We've got a 38.8lb bird to cook on Thursday but luckily my mom has a roaster that fits it (we will have to trim off the wing tips and tie the legs together). If you don't have a roaster that fits, I would halve it like someone else said and roast it that way. I do halved chickens like that. As...
  6. PotterWatch

    Who is raising their own Thanksgiving turkey?

    Well, our "standard bronze" that I bought turned out to be a broad-breasted bronze. I didn't realize how big he had gotten! So now I have to fit a 38.8lb turkey in the oven early in the morning on Thursday. Should taste great!
  7. PotterWatch

    Who is raising their own Thanksgiving turkey?

    What breed are you raising? What day do you process? How do you cook your bird? What is the weight of your processed bird? We have a standard bronze this year. I had a bourbon red pair but decided to sell them a couple weeks ago as the tom was bullying my chickens. I'm hoping to process...
  8. PotterWatch

    Which eggs are which?

  9. PotterWatch

    Which eggs are which?

    I have three mallard hens and two cayuga hens. They recently started laying eggs (well, they've probably been laying for a couple months but they just recently started laying where I can find them). Some of the eggs are elongated and a nice cream color. The others are larger, more round in...
  10. PotterWatch

    Odd ducks

    Mohican, I would agree with you except she has a different body pattern, not just lighter coloring. She has a distinct white ring around her neck that is hard to see well in the pictures. She also has a different pattern on her breast and belly than on her back. My mallard girls have the same...
  11. PotterWatch

    Odd ducks

    I don't care very much, they are just for our enjoyment, not breeding and selling. I am just surprised because I've never had that happen when buying chicks from hatcheries.
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