Recent content by porokelle

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    Swollen ears, eye bubbles, red face - in autumn

    Our first girl with the swollen ear is slowly getting better. Vet said she'd have to be brought into the clinic in to get an antibiotic injection (as would other chickens if they're showing signs... :( ) and they won't give her pills. Her and her sister's ears are slowly going down, and they're...
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    Swollen ears, eye bubbles, red face - in autumn

    Still trying to get antibiotics for our girls. Local vet is not a chicken vet and quite useless (they only want to treat the one chicken and we'd have to bring her in for an injection of antibiotics!). We have been given some pain relief, but not sure how much that's doing. We def have a second...
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    Swollen ears, eye bubbles, red face - in autumn

    Hello everyone - We have 5 Orpingtons 2.5 years old. I'm in New Zealand so molting season is halfway done. We had so much sickness in the flock over summer I was glad everyone seemed to be doing okay ish. Our girl Serena had a day or two of sour crop (others had surgery and months worth)...
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    Is this bumble healing?

    We think it's healing. Yesterday the skin over the wound was pink with a tiny bit of black (most was dirt, she loves trying to take off the dressings). I'm taking photos of the top of the foot to make sure that swelling goes down there as well. It's not warm, but she is standing off from the...
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    Is this bumble healing?

    Warning - I've kept the thumbnails small because the wounds are quite gross. One of our girls (2 yr old Orpington blue), had a bumble we thought we took out pretty well. But two weeks later the black plug came back larger, so we soaked for a few days and took it out again and it looked like...
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    Single ongoing eye bubble; anything I should worry about/can try?

    Hello, Finally replying, as I hadn't seen the eye bubbles for almost two weeks. This is the first time it's not just one big one, but little ones. Managed to just catch this on camera since she runs at the sight of a phone, but as soon as she ran away, the bubbles were gone. I am wondering if...
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    Single ongoing eye bubble; anything I should worry about/can try?

    Will do. I saw it very briefly on another girl tonight, but she ran away before I could get a photo, then it was gone.
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    Single ongoing eye bubble; anything I should worry about/can try?

    They're free range and get a variety of green so we assumed they always got enough vitamin C, but maybe since she's low on the hierarchy she doesn't get as much. It doesn't help she's a picky eater. I'll see what I can get here to try.
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    Single ongoing eye bubble; anything I should worry about/can try?

    Thanks! I'll try to get a picture but there wasn't a bubble last night. I can take a picture of just her face without - it looks pretty normal other than she has more scabs than the others from being lowest on the hierarchy and getting a few nips. But it's not the bubbly foam I've seen with...
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    Single ongoing eye bubble; anything I should worry about/can try?

    Hi ya'll, I've got one 2+ year old Orpington. She's lowest on the pecking order and very much smaller than her sisters. But, her sisters have had some sort of infection go through the flock from around November until two weeks ago - mainly showing up as sour crop - we also had a few shell less...
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    Hens eating too much oyster shell/calcium?

    That's a really great idea. I'll check it out. I know they have vermiculite and pumice, but I bet they have small pebbles too.
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    Hens eating too much oyster shell/calcium?

    We haven't. I'm in New Zealand and they don't sell it here. I could try going to the rivers, but I am afraid the small stones I find would be too large or not rounded enough. The girls are free range and do find stones.
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    Hens eating too much oyster shell/calcium?

    We're not sure what virus it could be. We have 100's of wild birds in the area. And when we hit the height of summer here in New Zealand, everyone seemed to get broody and sick one by one. Three of them have definitely had sour crop, one after another (and one of them having it 3 x in a row over...
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