Recent content by Piyo Puyo

  1. P

    HELP!! Very sick hen with diarrhoea, stopped eating and sleeping all day

    We took our chicken to vet this morning as her condition got worth again, and found that she has huge mass in her body almost taking over entire of her abdominal area. Even without farther test the vet could tell it's most likely a cancer, and from the way she has lost weight (she was literally...
  2. P

    HELP!! Very sick hen with diarrhoea, stopped eating and sleeping all day

    Eggcessive, Bocktobery 10, thanks for the posts! We didn't know about Marek's disease apart from the name so did some readings, and sad to know that there's no cure. And it's highly contagious.... that means that the other chicken is most likely infected too, correct?? She is so far not showing...
  3. P

    HELP!! Very sick hen with diarrhoea, stopped eating and sleeping all day

    An update: I tooked the chicken out of the box to clean and realised that one of her leg is straight backward, even I tried to help her to put the leg back in the normal position she can't hold it much longer. Is this something to do with her condition?? I gave her water and thankfully she drunk...
  4. P

    HELP!! Very sick hen with diarrhoea, stopped eating and sleeping all day

    Urgent help needed! Our chicken is slowly dying!! One of our two hens has been sick for 2 weeks now. They are free range at our back yard. At the beginning she was just little lethargic and wasn't herself but still moving around slowly and eating, even though it's smaller amount than usual. Her...
  5. P

    Hello from Oz

    Hi, My partner and I are new to the chicken world. It is almost a year now that we have owned 2 chickens in a suburban house. We have used your forum in the past to learn about chicken. It is a very useful site we must say. Anyway, looking forward to learn more. Cheers!
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