Recent content by piopio123

  1. piopio123

    Fermenting feed

    The lacto-fermentation process is accelerated by warmth. It slows down with cooler temperatures...So let's think of it like sauerkraut... putting it in the refrigerator once it has gone through an active fermentation phase (bubbles are a good sign of this) will then put it in a more dormant...
  2. piopio123

    HILARIOUS / ODD chick behaviors anyone ??

    haha such personality!
  3. piopio123

    Fermenting feed

    good point azygous! I give it to them in a shallow, yet deep enough plate to retain the food, and I place a jar or something in the center of it so that it creates a "ring" of food. That way they can not drown or walk through it pooping etc..
  4. piopio123

    Comment by 'piopio123' in article 'A Journal of: Raising Baby Chicks Naturally!'

    Thanks Milliefleur. We got our chicks 5/1 and I had set the food to ferment the day before(?) So it wasn't as long as yours but it definitely was active and bubbling, then I refrigerated it. I had soaked 3 cups, and they still aren't done with it since Friday (6 chicks with 24 hr access) it...
  5. piopio123

    Fermenting feed

    I also gave my chicks fermented chick starter right away, and they love it! I have what I guess Milliefleur called a whole grain starter. It contains different sizes of ground grains, very fine to just sort of cracked. So they get a variety and the soaking/fermenting softens the larger pieces...
  6. piopio123

    HILARIOUS / ODD chick behaviors anyone ??

    The latest: after they eat they wipe their faces neatly on the paper looks like they're head banging!
  7. piopio123

    HILARIOUS / ODD chick behaviors anyone ??

    That's too funny! Scared of crickets.. Reminds me of my cat, he is afraid to go outside. Good game ideas! I am going to look for a rock to put in there. I bet they would go crazy over a shoelace. I guess while I wasn't home, one of them passed the umbilical cord (or somewhat passed it?)...
  8. piopio123

    When can I give my chicks treats and what are the best ones?

    Thanks Sophia that was helpful, :I saw somewhere online also, some chicken owners commented on a couple ground stone that could be included in a "grit mixture" granite was one of them. so I guess it is silica. .. ..Yes I would hope that being distributed for chickens that the...
  9. piopio123

    HILARIOUS / ODD chick behaviors anyone ??

    Hi We got our 6 little chicks today! I've noticed they sleep like collapsed little lumps all together..or wherever. But they also snooze looking like they had just keeled over, legs stretched out, cocked on their sides, or face down!!! Like an image to be captioned "kicked the bucket". On a...
  10. piopio123

    When can I give my chicks treats and what are the best ones?

    It is Manna Pro Chick Grit...the bag does not say anywhere at all what it is made of, only Ingredient: Grit but I found it online, their website says it is Insoluble crushed granite. What do you think?
  11. piopio123

    When can I give my chicks treats and what are the best ones?

    thanks Sophia. Can you or anyone else comment on the possibility of grit containing silica? (re my previous post) thanks
  12. piopio123

    When can I give my chicks treats and what are the best ones?

    Hi I have a question about the grit. I opened the Manna brand bag of chick grit that I bought and a tone of dust bellowed out...I recall warnings in many threads by many people about the dangers of silica in sands and the likes. They just arrived today, are doing great but that made me not...
  13. piopio123

    Comment by 'piopio123' in article 'A Journal of: Raising Baby Chicks Naturally!'

    Thanks, I would be very interested to read it. However, we are getting the chicks between tomorrow and Saturday, so I may just check out the world wide web, unless you have a quick pointer..I am pretty well versed on fermenting food for myself and my family. Do you soak the feed in water and...
  14. piopio123

    Comment by 'piopio123' in article 'A Journal of: Raising Baby Chicks Naturally!'

    Hi, Your journal is awesome, thanks for posting it! I love to hear chicks are enjoying a diet full of wild edibles and ferments as "treats"! Could you comment on how you ferment their feed? I want to do the same, we are getting 6 chicks by the end of the week. Very eegciting. We will be...
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