Recent content by pinoyathletics

  1. pinoyathletics

    Quail eggs pipping then dying?

    Texas Kiki is right. Too high humidity can cause drowning. Since then i have done a dry hatch no water first 14 days. Then humidity to 55-65% at lockdown. Before i was getting a lot of pipped drown chicks. What happens is a lot of water floods the air sack. And when they internally pip they get...
  2. pinoyathletics

    My turn to ask for sexing help

    I think yes hen and roo.
  3. pinoyathletics

    quail chick can't walk

    I had in one hatch 8 come out and only 1 survived to adult hood.She was the loneliest quail ever and her only companion was my finger puppet known as ' Mr Hand' now the quail as an adult comes when i call her name and i know who she is cause when i pick her up she is the only one that doesnt...
  4. pinoyathletics

    Frasier lovers thread.

    Frasier really started off as a Grumpy Young Man in Cheers and then went onto become a grumpy Middle Aged Man with his own show.
  5. pinoyathletics

    Selling quail eggs in Australia

    Baby Quails
  6. pinoyathletics

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    The first guy who got eggs off me. Had strangely 7 hatch on Day 15, and now has had a total of 16 hatch on day 16. with 8 more eggs rocking. he was running his incubator at 37.8 and high humidity. He sent me this photo of his birds they are a variety of colors. Good to see all my birds are doing...
  7. pinoyathletics

    Quails Hatching on Day 15

    I just sold 41 cortunix japanese quail eggs. The guy reported back to me on FB. He put his eggs in lock down on Day 14 and then the following day 7 of the 41 eggs so far have hatched. He got a variety of colors Brown, Italian, Rosetta and Tibetan. Its good to see my birds are all doing their...
  8. pinoyathletics

    Selling quail eggs in Australia

    Anyone else interested in buying quail eggs. I have now had 2 pickups, and 2 in the mail. My first buyer reports back his eggs have now pipped.
  9. pinoyathletics

    Chinese Incubators and wrong Temperature Readings Guide how to fix

    I had a buyer drop by the other day who said the last person she paid to get eggs off. She had no luck in hatching even by Day 20. After experiencing something similar myself I had an interesting answer from Slightly Red Neck several months ago. And he advised its to do with incorrect...
  10. pinoyathletics

    Quail illness that I can't diagnose

    The bottom part is where the birds neck would be in the dissected
  11. pinoyathletics

    Quail illness that I can't diagnose

    I suspect mine might have Enteritis, they got it when the heavy rains came. I have had 6 die. One could barely walk and was weak anyway. But 5 roosters and a hen have perished in the last 2 weeks. I have no dosed my birds with Triple C. What diseases are common with quails? When I cut open...
  12. pinoyathletics

    Aggressive male. Also very pretty color.

    I have a quail the same color as that. Isnt that a mix of Pharaoh and Texas A&M? He is also aggressive. Cause he attacks any males i put with him. So he has 6 hens to himself now. and the other 2 males are in the other cage with 9 hens.
  13. pinoyathletics

    Comment by 'pinoyathletics' in article 'Diagnosing hatch failures - It starts with the egg'

    One thing is people keep worrying more on temp and humidity forgetting the importance of oxygen flow. I found the more eggswith chics developing in the incubator the more oxygen required. I found that when i actually removed chics from the incubator. It freed up more oxygen for hatching chics to...
  14. pinoyathletics

    Birdentification Help Identifying 23 Cortunix Quails

    Identified birds through chest patterns, and a couple even crowed while i was labelling them with thin electrical tape. Red for girl. Blue for boy. of the 22 8 Males 8 Females 6 Unidentified birds which i will now take photos of The 8 males will be isolated into a cage with a roof, for a week...
  15. pinoyathletics

    Birdentification Help Identifying 23 Cortunix Quails

    Thanks for the advice. What i had to do last time. Was seperate them and see who lays the eggs. But with 22 birds left that will be hard. Last time i only had 5-10 birds to sort through. I guess installing a video system might be the better option. The problem i have with vent sexing sometimes...
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