Recent content by Pinky

  1. Pinky

    My turkey hen hatched 2 "churkeys" today, lol - update

    In my experience hens usually will not venture from the nest the first day after hatching, she will wait until the following day to take the chicks out to feed and explore.
  2. Pinky

    First Geese, Advice?

    Thanks I love them. I made a small movable play pin for them outside and they follow me around eat the weeds under the grass. I gave them some grit before I took them out. I grow duckweed and dwarf water lettuce for my fish and they love it! I want to let them swim but I've only had them for 4...
  3. Pinky

    First Geese, Advice?

    Thanks for the link! It is very helpful. Here are my African goslings: There's 5 of them, one is hiding. I took them outside yesterday as the weather was nice and warm and they loved it. They started picking at the clovers right away.
  4. Pinky

    First Geese, Advice?

    Hi everyone, I just received 5 African goslings for my bday, will post a pic after my camera charges. There is not much out there on the web about African geese other than they are not from Africa and was hoping to get some more info on them and geese in general. I do not know exactly how old...
  5. Pinky

    Greetings from Florida

    Hello and welcome to the BYC flock
  6. Pinky

    Spider Plants

    Hello, I have 2 small spider plants for sell for $2.50 each (or 2 for $5.00 if you want both). I have so many right now that I have no room for some and would hate for them to go to waste so I figured I would try to sell two here and see how it goes. The mature plants grow quite large if placed...
  7. Pinky

    broody silkie? or something else?

    I hear silkies are an extremely broody breed, so I think she should be fine. If she decides to go full broody, she will stay on the nest and not get off for days at a time, but this is normal behavior and nothing to worry about. When she does this is when you can give her fertile eggs if you...
  8. Pinky


    The fan should help a lot if they use it. Panting is a way many animals cool off. I thought only dogs did it until I got my chickens. I thought something was wrong with them, lol. I place shallow pans of water in the shade for my chickens and most of them like to stand in it when it's really...
  9. Pinky

    broody silkie? or something else?

    I agree, going back to the nest when taken off is a sure sign of being broody.
  10. Pinky

    Fighting Juvenile Roosters

    Sometimes two birds just can't live together. I have 2 hens that hate each other so I have to keep them in separate coops.
  11. Pinky

    BYC Aquarium Thread

    4000 gallons! That must look awesome, Any photos of it? Here's a photo of my pond 3 days after replacing the green water with clean water(It went back to green really fast). I'll remember to get some more photos next time I do a major water change to clear out the algae.
  12. Pinky

    BYC Aquarium Thread

    Thanks, this was after I planted some new plants and the shrimp went crazy over them. I would show a few photos of my pond, but its in direct sun and the algae has already taken over. No matter what I do it keeps coming back.
  13. Pinky

    BYC Aquarium Thread

    I wanted to share a video of my red cherry shrimp. I love these little guys, my fav. fresh water invert:) This tank is a 30 gal. long, and I have a few more plants in it now than I did when this video was taken. The shrimp are breeding like crazy.
  14. Pinky

    Hen pecked at ant poison

    Thanks I'll do that and let you know how it goes. So far she's acting normal. Thank you.
  15. Pinky

    Hen pecked at ant poison

    I have chicken wire around a new flower bed I just made and placed this hi-yield fire ant control powder stuff on the bed because ants were already building nests in it. The problem is one of my white hens reached under the wire and pecked at the powder. I made her get away, but is it going...
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