Recent content by PinkFrostina

  1. P

    New to chickens, just bought 6 hens.

    Yes, as the others have said, chickens despise change. It will definitely take them time to adjust. Even after they adjust (this is from my experience with my chickens), they will gradually start to lay. Beware of the cold. In my experience, our chickens hardly lay any eggs in the winter. But I...
  2. P

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    See, problem with my hen is: she eats eggs that are fertilized. Even if SHE’S broody. So…yes, bent beak WOULD solve the problem, at least for a little bit. But not for every one.
  3. P

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I’ll try the mustard option. I don’t think the hens would be too happy if I sawed off the nesting boxes.
  4. P

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    We typically get a dozen a day from the big coop a day, and 3/four from my silkie coop depending on whether or not I get to the eggs before my hen who eats eggs. Btw, any advice on how to STOP a hen from eating eggs?
  5. P

    Can someone tell me if this is a blue or lavender silkie?

    That’s definitely a splash. I have one of my own. I know I’m late.
  6. P

    Can someone tell me if this is a blue or lavender silkie?

    Hi, I know this is late. But that looks like a white silkie with blue splash. The lavender gene—or so I’ve heard—is PRETTY hard to come by. I’m raising silkies myself and have a splash. If you have questions, ask me.
  7. P

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    See, my family just kinda gives them names. Not goofy names. Not chicken names. Just…names that you would give a human being. Well, for the most part. We have a couple that the 6yo and 8yo named that don’t…make any sense (Peeker, Rainbow, Milly (our biggest rooster), and Carrot). But I...
  8. P

    Can someone tell me what the heck a Cuban Kikiriki and a Puertican Hennie Kikiriki is?

    I guess maybe it’s origin. Like, way, way back origin. That happens sometimes with a lot of other things, not just chickens.
  9. P

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    I don’t wear a mask when cleaning the coop. Never have. Never needed to. The masks are just a placebo anyways. They don’t really filter anything. They CAN filter dust particles, but let’s face it: masks are uncomfortable and breathing in the dust from the coop won’t kill you.
  10. P

    Silkie cross for color

    Thank you so much!
  11. P

    Silkie cross for color

    Oh ok! Thank you!
  12. P

    Frizzle silkie breeding?

    I have a question. Not involving frizzles, although they are very pretty. My question is: what would you get if you bred a grey splash silkie rooster to a partridge hen? Safari isn’t helping me.
  13. P

    Silkie cross for color

    I know I’m late to this thread, but does anyone know what a grey splash silkie roo crossed with a partridge hen would give you offspring-wise?
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