Recent content by pickaflower

  1. pickaflower

    Ms. BaldButt

    Oh wow- thank you! That makes so much sense! :)
  2. pickaflower

    Birds to be remembered

    Buff Orpingtons are so sweet! I haven’t had a Cochin- but they are super cute!! :)
  3. pickaflower

    Birds to be remembered

    Fuzzy was a Salmon Favorelle, what about yours? Both Camacho and the one that’s having a bit of a hard time.
  4. pickaflower

    Ms. BaldButt

    My barred rock went through the exact same thing, though not as severe. Still not sure what it is, but she has since fully recovered to her regular fluffy butt self!
  5. pickaflower

    Birds to be remembered

    I’m so sorry to hear about Camacho- she sounds like she was truly one in a million! All you can do is give them the best life possible, and hope for the best. Sending love for your other baby that’s struggling- it sounds like she’s had a good life. :hugs ❤️❤️❤️
  6. pickaflower

    Birds to be remembered

    This was Fuzzy- to this day we still don’t know why she passed, but she was such a sweet bird. Whenever we would go outside and let them out, she would jump up on your shoulder and just sit there. She passed away a little over a year ago and she had just turned a year old. We miss you Fuzzy. ❤️
  7. pickaflower

    Sick Chicken

    You did all that you could- I’m sorry she didn’t make it. :hugs
  8. pickaflower

    Stumped by black chick with 5 toes

    Thank you for this correction- both the spelling and that marans don’t have 5 toes. I just got back home today and checked and you were right- my little girl is a four-toed friend! :)
  9. pickaflower

    Stumped by black chick with 5 toes

    @FeatherQueen3 No- we picked her up from Hawthorne Feed and Supply :)
  10. pickaflower

    Chicken can't stand or walk, paralyzed??

    Ethel looks so sweet! Hoping for the best- it sounds like she’s improving. :)
  11. pickaflower

    Someone near us had laying hens for sale and sold us these. Are these both hens? Picture included. They said they were about around 6 to 7 months old.

    They remind me of a silver gray dorking, but they are lacking the red coloring at their front. Maybe a mix if some kind? Of course, I could be completely wrong 😂 just offering my best guess!
  12. pickaflower

    Purplish comb on the back

    What a beautiful bird! ❤️ I wouldn’t worry- like @coach723 said unless she is displaying signs of lethargy or acting off, she appears to be fine. :)
  13. pickaflower

    Sick Chicken

    It is possible that it could be egg binding- pictures would help if you can post a few. Is she pooping? What does it look like? Is she moving at all? If so, is she walking like a penguin? When I’ve run into problems like these with my chickens I try to get some scrambled eggs into their system...
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