Recent content by Pet Duck Boy

  1. Pet Duck Boy

    How many coturnix quail can fit in a 10 foot long, 5 foot wide, 6 foot high chain link dog pen?

    So my chickens are passing away sadly, and although they were great I'm interested in getting into meat birds so I don't have to get too attatched. I figured coturnix quail would be a good starting point, good meat, relatively easy maintenence, and good eggs! I'll probably just recycle my...
  2. Pet Duck Boy

    Rearing ant colonies with queens, my other hobby! (Large Pics!)

    Quote: For new queens and small colonies, I typically house them in test tube setups. It simply requires some glass (Or plastic, glass doesn't scratch and dirty as easy though) test tubes, cotton balls, and clean water. Here's a crude diagram - ( water /cotton/ space to house...
  3. Pet Duck Boy

    Rearing ant colonies with queens, my other hobby! (Large Pics!)

    Yay! Carpenter ant queens!
  4. Pet Duck Boy

    Rearing ant colonies with queens, my other hobby! (Large Pics!)

    Have been catching tons of queens lately.
  5. Pet Duck Boy

    Raising feeder insects

    Quote: Blech. Worst insect on the world! Smelly, noisy, jumpy, and a low protein percent.
  6. Pet Duck Boy

    Raising feeder insects

    Quote: They're not very common where I live. In fact, my yard is pretty devoid of bugs. Some have asked me why not raise you regular run of the mill roaches, but of course, that's a stupid idea. If one escaped I'd be infested. If one of these escaped, it would be dead in a week.
  7. Pet Duck Boy

    Raising feeder insects

    Quote: This reply is a bit late, but I have the answer to your question. Generally, you can keep as much roaches you can in a single enclosure until you see signs of cannibilism/stress. Sings of this are - eaten/clipped antennae, chewed wings, eating the recently molted, eaten/dropped egg...
  8. Pet Duck Boy

    Please share your tips-getting your chickens to eat from your hand??

    Quote: That's what I was gonna say, especially if they were raw. You should be OK as long as there wasn't too much, or a particular chicken ate more.
  9. Pet Duck Boy

    Raising feeder insects

    I split off one of my colonies several months ago, about 600. Since then they have reproduced to over 4,000. I got so many I wish I could sell them, but that's not an option where I live. (Keep in mind if you live in Florida you can't have dubias shipped too you) I harvest several dozen males to...
  10. Pet Duck Boy


    Meh, I like everything, insects included. I love spiders and handle them all the time as long as they aren't aggressive!
  11. Pet Duck Boy

    Rescued a little bird!

    He stayed home alone today for a couple hours and ate his own food fine, though I still need too teach him how to drink water out of puddles and dishes. Here's the little guy, he's starting to fill out and can fly just about anywhere, although he's still clumsy. Once he's good at eating and...
  12. Pet Duck Boy

    Rescued a little bird!

    Quote: OH yes, it's my new hobby. This little one also has quite taste for mashed roaches, delicious eh?
  13. Pet Duck Boy

    Rescued a little bird!

    Quote: Ahhhh that makes sense, there's plenty of those around here. I guess with it's tuft torn off it wasn't as recognizable for me. Though now that you mentioned it I do very well see it. I wonder what happened to it's parents? Because the day it was out there were plenty of titmouse...
  14. Pet Duck Boy

    Rescued a little bird!

    It sure does look like a little old man, doesnt it?
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