Recent content by Peppercorngal

  1. Peppercorngal

    Egg selling laws in CA

    Oh my, I don't know the answer to that. We had our name and registered it with the state. Had to put it in the newspaper and all that costs money, but we did that part first! In obtaining the egg handlers license we were not required to prove our name. I am thinking you can just call them...
  2. Peppercorngal

    I know what to do, but can I?? Comb issue.

    My black jersey giant named Ebony somehow ripped her comb half off. She doesn't seem to mind except she doesn't like the hanging part in her eye. I know I should cut it off, but I don't want to hurt her. She may be able to take it, but I don't know if I can. The other chickens pay no...
  3. Peppercorngal

    My chickens act like my doggies.

    Yes, I have 6 Easter Eggers and 1 Olive Egger! I sell eggs and people love the variety of colors!
  4. Peppercorngal

    My chickens act like my doggies.

    Most of my chickens are older than 2 years and I have such a routine with them that they act like little doggies! At times they know the plan and lead me, other times they just follow me! I have three roosters that all get along with each other and are sweet to me as well. I'm so blessed to...
  5. Peppercorngal

    What Is This? White substance on hen's comb.

    My namesake hen, Judy Dean, has white stuff on her comb. I thought it would be some soft gooey substance that would rub off, but it is not. It's hard and doesn't come off. Have you ever seen this? What can it be? My other hens are fine and don't have this white stuff. Any ideas? I hope...
  6. Peppercorngal

    Momma hen pulling her own chicks feathers out

    Wonderful to hear your crazy mama calmed down and became a good mom. It's nice to hear a success story! Good work!
  7. Peppercorngal

    Do Rooster Chicks Develop More Quickly?

    I knew there would be no easy and absolute answer! The only one showing any comb is the big one with the orange face! Such unusual coloring. Thanks for your reply!!
  8. Peppercorngal

    How big of a chick can a rat get?

    To get rid of rats you have to keep food put away each night. They will stay away during the day as long as you leave feeders out at night. We used catch boxes and caught 17 rats this spring. Then I put poison under the coops and they went after that big time. Every night I cart the 4...
  9. Peppercorngal

    Do Rooster Chicks Develop More Quickly?

    I bought some fertile eggs for my Blackie hen to obtain her dream, to be a Mama! 11 days ago she hatched out 4 chicks. (If you are wondering about the previous post I made about watery eggs candled at day 15, they didn't make it) One out of the 4 chicks is developing faster than the others...
  10. Peppercorngal

    Liquid noticed while candling egg at day 15????

    No, not bantams. They were fertile eggs I got from a gal that said they are to be Lavender Orpingtons. Guaranteed fertile!! I was right, they were no good. Lost 2 so far. I took a video, but forget how to post it! Thanks for your reply!!
  11. Peppercorngal

    Liquid noticed while candling egg at day 15????

    Thanks for trying to answer. One egg is obviously just liquid now, and gone. Others show liquid, but embryo is moving and veins are showing. I will hold off on those. Hatch could be sooner than I think, due next Tuesday, but looking more like day 19! Nothing happening here, a quiet on the...
  12. Peppercorngal

    Liquid noticed while candling egg at day 15????

    The development looks more like day 19. In a couple I do see the embryo and veins and it's alive. In one, I think it's a gonner, total liquid without any life that I can see. Again, my candler light is not very good, I think I will take the super liquidy one away, but leave the rest. Hatch...
  13. Peppercorngal

    Momma hen pulling her own chicks feathers out

    Raise them alone in a brooder. They will re-integrate into the flock later and be fine. I have a hen that gets broody every year. Every year when the chicks hatch she tries to kill them. I have to pay close attention and remove them from her. They are raised in the brooder and love me for...
  14. Peppercorngal

    Let my hen abandon her eggs?

    My broody girl had 5 eggs due to hatch on Thursday. One hatched on Monday! I moved her and the other 4 eggs to a floor nesting box, and put a dish of chick food and a "baby" waterer close by. The chick could eat and mom could continue to set her other eggs. Mom was good about continuing on...
  15. Peppercorngal

    Liquid noticed while candling egg at day 15????

    I have two broody hens and candled their eggs today, which is day 15. I'm not the best at candling as my light is not the best. They looked good to me until I noticed when I tipped them a bit that it's quite liquidy. (I know, that's not a word, but you get it right?) There are two eggs with...
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