Recent content by Penfoldducks

  1. P

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello! I moved away from home and left my ducks in the care of my brother, I’ll be back soon and a duck posting again :)
  2. P

    First egg

    One of my Khaki campbells laid her first egg this morning. So gratifying after 6 month of raising them from day from to finally see a little egg among the straw this morning.
  3. P

    Will my ducks lay this year

    Hi everyone, my three khaki campbells ducks hatched April 20th 1 boy and 2 girls, I’ve notice this week that they’ve started to display mating behaviours and wondered if this could indicate that they will begin to lay anytime soon? That said, it’s nearly September and I wondered if that means...
  4. P

    Duck egg grey bruise ring

    one of my duck eggs on day 24 has a grey ring around the outside of the shell. It lines up with where the airspace is. I can also hear tapping coming from inside l? What should I do
  5. P

    Incubator low temperature

    Hey, thanks for the advice, I just tried to put them into the second incubator, (it’s small and cheap). And they wouldn’t all fit so I’ve placed the heater from that inside the larger incubator and it’s started to warm up. I’m going to order another incubator anyway though
  6. P

    Incubator low temperature

    My incubator isn’t getting hot enough. The display on the incubator itself says 38c but the two thermometers I put inside say 34? Anyone know how I can fix this? I also have a noter cheap incubator thy I’m reluctant to use but does get up to temp? There are currently 6 duck eggs in there on day...
  7. P

    Duck eggs day 28 yet to pip

    Hi everyone, My duck eggs are on day 28 of their incubation and I haven’t seen any pips yet at all. When I last candled them on day 25 they were all well developed and moving lots
  8. P

    Ducklings of different ages

    So o recently posted about how only one of my 6 eggs is hatching it’s due to hatch on Wednesday. I’m also expecting 5 other ducklings two weeks later. Any advice on housing them together and also feeding? Thanks
  9. P

    Lonely duckling

    I’m on day 11 of a duck egg incubation and only one of my 6 eggs is developing :( . Does anyone have advice for brooding a single duckling. I also have 3 five week old ducklings but they are much much too big to be companions to a newly hatched. p.s this is my first time keepping ducks ever
  10. P

    First time duck owner

    Thank you!
  11. P

    First time duck owner

    Hey everyone! I’ve been using this site for guidance since my first ducks (three khaki campbells) hatched a month ago so I thought I’d actually join. This site has been a life saver haha. Just started incubating 6 more eggs due in the middle of June so will be posting baby pics too.
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