Recent content by peckpeckpeck

  1. peckpeckpeck

    Review by 'peckpeckpeck' in article 'Chicken bully/chicken victim - a two-sided issue'

    This is great! We really do focus on the bully. I try to give my victims more attention & treats, but sometimes I think it backfires on me when the bully gets even more jealous & goes after the victim more. I never thought of sending the victim off for a week at the spa. I’ll definitely try it!
  2. peckpeckpeck

    Topic of the Week - Recycling (In) The Coop

    Oooh, whatcha doing with that plastic playhouse in the middle?
  3. peckpeckpeck

    Topic of the Week - Recycling (In) The Coop

    That's awesome! I'm gonna have to do that. Lots of windy rain storms here :oops:
  4. peckpeckpeck

    Topic of the Week - Recycling (In) The Coop

    Ooh can you post pix of the converted playhouses? I got one that I plan to upcycle when the weather warms up & want some ideas. Thanks!
  5. peckpeckpeck


    I just took one of my girls to the Avian Medical Center in Lake Oswego & had a good experience there. They were able to get me in at the last minute & were on time with my appt. Dr Lintner gave me some antibiotics to add to their water & took the time to answer my questions. Glad I found her...
  6. peckpeckpeck


    I was gonna ask how it was. Didn't make it down because of last min vet appt for the furry child (dog). The one you picked up is *mighty* cute! And it looks like she's already bonded with your DD. :love Sweet. What was it that disappointed you?
  7. peckpeckpeck


    Tell us more about your flock! Always love pix.
  8. peckpeckpeck

    Chicken Lifespan

    :love:love:love You've inspired me to try more tricks with my girl Tango!
  9. peckpeckpeck

    Chicken Lifespan

    That's awesome! What tricks does she do? I'm clicker training one of mine to run after a ball & differentiate colors. Post pix or videos please! As for lifespan, I've read that chickens can live up to 10 years or more. I wonder too if my girls will live longer since I give them lots of...
  10. peckpeckpeck

    My Chicken lost a toe and now she won’t walk

    Glad to hear she's feeling better! As @azygous suggests, an epsom salt bath is really healing. My girls sometimes nod off to sleep while they're soaking & also love the blowdry afterwards.
  11. peckpeckpeck

    Depressed Hen

    When my girl faced the back wall & closed her eyes & sighed, she was in pain. She ended up laying several soft shell eggs. But you say Bluesy is laying normally. I would get her food & water so whatever it is, she can keep her strength up to fight it. Will she eat if you offer her food or...
  12. peckpeckpeck


    I just met a couple who have 50. And they're brooding another 15 for a friend who wants started pullets. If you have more than that, you're in trouble. Less than that & it's normal chicken math!
  13. peckpeckpeck


    Welcome @aligarysmom ! :frow What part of Oregon are you from & what's your flock like? Not to be a total enabler, but.... :highfive: Check it out. It's my first time going :yesss:
  14. peckpeckpeck

    My Chicken lost a toe and now she won’t walk

    x2 Her whole foot & leg look swollen. I'm not sure what medicine you can use for that. But it might help to put her in a sling. That will support her so she doesn't have to put pressure on the foot while it heals. You also put food & water right in front of her so she has 24/7 access to...
  15. peckpeckpeck

    New from Western MA

    Congratulations!! Sounds like a great flock.
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