Recent content by Pecked2Death

  1. Pecked2Death

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Sort of a side line - what do you do when the mother does not abandon the chicks? My RIR kept her chicks with her from when she hatched them. They all stayed together, slightly away from everyone else. I have a broody girl now - who I have managed to get to stay on one nest box - thanks for...
  2. Pecked2Death

    leaving coop door open at night

    how do you do the watering and feeding?? I am happy to water and feed, but would love to be albe to go away for a couple of days.
  3. Pecked2Death

    leaving coop door open at night

    Don't follow my practices, however, I leave my coop open. My hens freerange but I have a coop and run that I can move around. But unless we have a loss, we leave everything open. We have had 2 early morning killings lately, so we are shutting the run door, at dusk or just before and opening...
  4. Pecked2Death

    Comment by 'pecked2death' in album 'My First Brood'

    Hey, I did the same thing - but included bantams and then incubated some eggs from some copper marans I bought and some from my quality copper maran hen (I had been collecting her eggs) and my black giant rooster. I only had one rooster. Now I have an established laying group of between 1-3...
  5. Pecked2Death

    Comment by 'Pecked2Death' in article 'Raccoon - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Coons'

    I had an attack in my run today. The run was open as the chickens free range, but there were a pile of feathers against the fence (no blood) and then more feathers outside the run, some more about 40 feet away, and finally we found the body in the next horse pasture. It was my only Copper Maran...
  6. Pecked2Death

    Comment by 'Pecked2Death' in article 'The Balay Kubo (Nipa Hut)'

    Finishing the bloody story - please - you Auzzie! yours truely, A Kiwi in Suspence! (living in the US) Amazing coop - love it!
  7. Pecked2Death

    Comment by 'Pecked2Death' in item 'Golden Sex Link'

    I'd like to get some more too. Anyone have any in Huntsville, AL or driving distance??? I could trade doe a couple of Jersey Giants, although I love their laid back personality and my Rooster is so good with them - I've never had a rooster before, but he is so cool - very big though! But he...
  8. Pecked2Death

    Comment by 'Pecked2Death' in article 'Egg Color Chart - Find Out What Egg Color Your Breed Lays'

    I just asked this question - you had already answered it - Thank you a million times over. I don't need a specific color - based on the correct light - once I have an idea - I can contact a breeder and ask them for that! I was trying to work out if I wanted to eat my Black Jersey Giants - if...
  9. Pecked2Death

    Advice on chicken breeds / egg colors

    My Sex Link or (Red Stars) lay eggs just the same. I was wondering which breed I had that was laying the giant elongated eggs! They drive me nuts. I thought they were coming from the Black Giants - The long ones are mainly light colored.
  10. Pecked2Death

    Comment by 'Pecked2Death' in item 'Golden Sex Link'

    Love your photos and I love my Red Stars or Red, Sex Links! They are just like you described them. The eggs are huge and so dark brown. When I got some Copper Maran eggs, I could barely tell the difference- in fact my broodie sat on two extra eggs as I couldn't garantee that the eggs weren't the...
  11. Pecked2Death

    What color are other people's eggs? And who lives near Huntville, AL?

    Hi, I have a mixed group of Chickens that I purchased at seperate times and one hen RIR went very broodie - I bought some eggs for her to hatch and she did a fine job. Copper Marans. Some of my other hens had laid in with the "hatchable eggs" and I could barely tell the difference. So I was...
  12. Pecked2Death

    Chicken wheezing and exactly how to treat it.

    Hi, I did read the other posts, but they were old and i needed some more specific information. One of my chicken has started to wheeze. She is also pulling her neck forward looking like she is going to throw up. I am concerned that it it Gapeworm or Choke. If I am going to give...
  13. Pecked2Death

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    My first time with a broodie hen, I bought eggs to put under her - she was really tight to that nest - I didn't know that I was supposed to make sure she got off the nest etc - I think she was sitting on an empty nest for over 6 weeks before I got the eggs. Then she wouldn't hop off for...
  14. Pecked2Death

    Tolbunt Polish Cockeral Free to Good Home. - AL

    I would like to see some photos and get more info about the disease. Thanks
  15. Pecked2Death

    ****** DIY chicken feeder pipe! ******

    I made one too! a while ago when I made my new chicken house. I have mine on the inside as I didn't want to hunt for a rubber gasket to go around where the pipe would enter the coop. I went to habitat for Humanity and bought tons of good solid PVC pipe, to make a range of things. each 10'...
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