Recent content by peahen46

  1. peahen46

    Eggbound peahen? HELP!

    To much calcium is just as bad as to little it will cause the same results.
  2. peahen46

    Eggbound peahen? HELP!

    Give your peahens crushed oster shell leave it for them in a separate pan so they may eat it when they need to. Butter milk once every week they love it it will make them lay very strong shelled eggs and any bird with diarrhea it will fix their guts. It's great for chickens too. Good luck I...
  3. peahen46

    Chicken Very Sick! HELP!!

    You need to tell me more about condition. How is Poop? Could they have had any spoiled feed, maybe got wet. Did they over heat? If it's heat related cool the body down slowly wet only the bottom half of the birds. Try to give them pedialyte with a syringe slowly as not to aspirate the...
  4. peahen46

    Just obtained 30 pullets that are malnourished and severly underweight.....NEED SOME HELP PLEASE!!!!

    They will be just fine if you start feeding them a normal diet not chick food, regular Layena and cracked corn is fine. Try giving them a bowl of Purina cat food everyday and watch them get really healthy and there feathers will improve. Fresh water everyday and a full crop at night if it's...
  5. peahen46

    URGENT!!! Please help...Hes got worse!!

    Hi I've been breeding peafowl over 23 years sounds like swollen eye. If you have a family vet call and ask if they carry Baytril 22.7 Milligram give him 2 to start right down the mouth be careful of his airway. Then Once in the moring one pill until swelling goes away. Hope that helps. This...
  6. peahen46

    Comment by 'peahen46' in item 'Orpington'

    They are very hardy and adjust well if they are Orpingtons. My hen just hatched out 5 about a month ago and it was very cold. They are growing and very healthy.
  7. peahen46

    Dreams Do Come True Farms Bird

    You can see all my birds at I raise Peacocks,Bourbon Red Turkeys, Bearded Silkies in White,Splash,Blue,Black and Partridge. Tufted and non tufted Rumpless bantam Araucana's My Silkie Chicks
  8. peahen46

    Newly bought chicks are dying of a strange disease- seems neurological

    90 to 95 degrees is a little hot for this time of year and for large fowl chicks. Try lowering the temp to around 85 then give them VIT B. If you have a Dept. of Agriculture they will do a free Necropsy for you it's worth a call to them to see what it may be. Then you don't have to worry...
  9. peahen46

    Chickens ate roundup treated grass

    The eggs might have a soft shell or no shell at all. Don't eat the eggs for at least 2 weeks. New studies are saying Roundup causes birth defects in baby rats. My friends chickens ate the grass and all kinds of weird eggs were layed it took the hens about 2 months to straighten out. Good...
  10. peahen46


    If you have a local feed store get some Betidine surgical scrub or prep. Scrub you have to wash off prep you don't. Then apply Blue cote it comes in a spray it's great for all kinds of animals and they heal fast. Good luck. I just heard from a woman in Mass that she caught chip munks killing...
  11. peahen46

    Big Scary RATS!!!

    Rats are really smart the rat you need to kill is the alpha male. He will let his young eat the poison bait and he will wait 4 days before he will eat the bait to see if his offspring eat it. Mix the bate with a food he can't refuse like cashews and set traps that spring shut on them. It is...
  12. peahen46

    Poor sick turkey... Could def use help

    Hi I raise Turkey and Tylan is a good start .03 cc per 5 LB inject in the chest mussle make sure you don't draw up blood then inject. Give for 5 days you should see a great improvement in 2 days. Good Luck!
  13. peahen46

    Alert Birds stolen from New Jersey

    Help someone came to my farm at 11:30 last night Stole all my SQ birds 5 whites 4 splash 4 part 1 blue rooster 20 smaller chicks 10 3 and 4 month old blues Help me find this thief
  14. peahen46

    8+ Araucana eggs Bantam sized Double tufted rumpless

    Hi Chris, My guys are all rumpless. I will have some 6 month old birds for sale soon. Weather here has been so bad and I can't ship until April. I haven't taken pictures of them yet, but I will. You want a tufted or cleanfaced roo. You can see my web page I am no web designer but I put a...
  15. peahen46

    8+ Araucana eggs Bantam sized Double tufted rumpless

    That is a great question. Yes they do go broody. In each pen I have 1 roo and 3 to 4 hens out of the 3 to 4 hens one is always trying to sit on the eggs and guard them. I just love these chickens they really act like they know what your saying when you talk to them.
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