Recent content by patyrdz

  1. patyrdz

    people with house chickens

    Yes that is the kind I used. She hated it!lol
  2. patyrdz

    Patyrdzs Page

    I love BYC!!!!!
  3. patyrdz

    Faverolles Hens Are Salmon Color Roosters Are Multi Colored

    Faverolles Hens are salmon color, Roosters are multi colored. Created by patyrdz Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed: Salmon Favorelle are big gentle birds. Eggs are tinted and medium size. They have tuffs on their cheeks. You can tell the roos from the pullets at a very youg...
  4. Breeds


  5. patyrdz

    Rhea Eggs

    I am looking to buy a few Rhea eggs at a reasonable price. I am also willing to trade sebastopol goose, Narragansett Turkey, ringneck pheasant, silver pheasant, and peacock so I can trade any of these eggs once they start laying Patty;)
  6. patyrdz


    Welcome from North Carolina!
  7. patyrdz

    New to BYC

    Welcome from North Carolina!!
  8. patyrdz

    Prayer Request

    Prayers and a hug!
  9. patyrdz

    I am failing miserable :(

    Just put the other plug back in, and once the chicks start hatching the humidity will go up. Good luck! I am sure many of us have had a bad hatch or two, it will get better, just don't give up!
  10. patyrdz

    Split Hatch Problem....OMG What do I do?

    whoops double post!
  11. patyrdz

    Split Hatch Problem....OMG What do I do?

    During lock down just don't turn the other eggs. If you think you need to, just do it once a day. Try to get your humidity to 50% for the hatch. Once the chicks start hatching, the humidity will go up because of the wet chicks. When the chicks dry, you can remove them quickly so the humidity...
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