Recent content by PattersonTrio

  1. PattersonTrio

    Coop Apron Decorating/Landscaping

    I just added an above ground apron to my coop and realize it looks a smidge tacky on its own. Is there anything you can do to decorate it without ruining it efficacy? I was thinking of doing edging, garden cloth, mulch and maybe even cutting some tiny holes in the cloth in the middle to plant...
  2. PattersonTrio

    New Run

    My husband and I bought a coop with attached run from tractor supply for our chickens. Our plan is to build out a larger run and custom coop in the next few months and use the store bought as a temporary solution. I’m a little lost in the best way to secure the coop. My plan was to do something...
  3. PattersonTrio

    New Chicks Question

    Thank you so much!
  4. PattersonTrio

    New Chicks Question

    Hi! I just brought home 3 chicks today! They are approximately 2 weeks old. I’m sure I’ll have a lot of questions as I go along and figure all of this out but first question is on temperature! I live in Charlotte, NC and it’s already starting to get toasty here. My plan is to keep them in the...
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