Recent content by Pandorasmum

  1. P

    Anyone else get annoyed at how stupid chickens can be

    I beg to differ, hens are actually quite intelligent. If they are pooping in their food & water, perhaps their Carer is not positioning the food & water in the most suitable positions? I stand my girls drinkers on buckets with lids on, & it is extremely rare to find poop in it! Their feeder is...
  2. P

    Hen shaking her crop and acting weird. (Updated with recovery!)

    Hi, from your description & video, I suspect your hen has sour crop! You need to take her to a poultry vet. She needs to have an empty crop & be given Nystatin medication either by syringe or by tube twice daily for ten days. After she has the Nystatin, gently massage to try to ensure all crop...
  3. P

    Where to get medicine for coccidiosis?

    Hi, I’m in UK & have recently had to treat one of my chicks for coccidiosis, I used corid & stools were not showing blood after two days of treatment but you do need to continue the treatment for 7 full days! Good luck
  4. P

    What is this?

    Hi, I’m finding this really interesting! I have a 2& a half year old hybrid hen who is repeatedly suffering from egg peritonitis! She goes off her food, becomes less active, very thin in front, prominent keel bone but very fluidy behind, from legs up to vent. I have had recurring vet visits...
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