Recent content by Panacake Farms

  1. Panacake Farms

    Please help! Strange poop and sad looking chicken

    It must be something with the byc app cause you tube works fine but if I click you video on here i can’t hear anything. I just deleted the byc app and reloaded it and still nothing 😢
  2. Panacake Farms

    Please help! Strange poop and sad looking chicken

    It might be just me but I don’t hear any audio...?
  3. Panacake Farms

    Comment by 'Panacake Farms' in media 'Mega Egg'

    Wow poor sweetie! I’m sure she lived a happy life even if it was only a year.
  4. Panacake Farms

    Comment by 'Panacake Farms' in article 'The Hen Den'

    It actually sounds adorable! 😆 I need a sign like that!
  5. Panacake Farms

    Chickens not going into coop....only since cold snap?

    My flock goes in about 45 min after the “stated” sunset time. Some trickle in earlier but the last one seems around 45 min... because even though the weather app says what time sunset is it’s usually still pretty bright for sometime after.
  6. Snuggles


    Snuggling in the sun
  7. Barred rock

    Barred rock

    My sissy loves to free range and wants out of the run!
  8. Foraging


    This girl (Cleopatra) had been hard at work.
  9. Time to Eat!

    Time to Eat!

    Yum!! Fermented is the best!!
  10. Fluff


    Fluffy butt to the max!
  11. Panacake Farms

    Official BYC Poll: What Do You Use Your Rooster/s For?

    I got my roo by accident and I am so glad it happened! He is the best!! I don’t think I am his favorite person but I just love all the personality he brings. He keeps a watchful eye out for the girls and even comes looking to see if I am ok too. He’s just doing what instinct tells him to do.
  12. Panacake Farms

    Official BYC Poll: What Do You Use Your Rooster/s For?

    I love my roo!!!! Why don’t you try a Bachelor flock? I didn’t even know that was a thing until after I had hens, but it sounds fun!!
  13. Panacake Farms

    Comment by 'Panacake Farms' in article 'The Hen Den'

    Love the personal touch! Especially the colored dust bath tires 😍 Super cute!! Your girls must be happy
  14. Panacake Farms

    Got the twine up!

    This looks great!! Have you had any problems since?
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