Recent content by palowlander

  1. P

    Hard Boiling Eggs

    All my normal recipes for hard boiling eggs and having the shell come off without any trouble seem to not work at all on my farm fresh eggs only store bought. Was wondering if anyone had any tricks to a good farm fresh hard boiled egg that you can get the shell to peel..thanks:)
  2. P

    Sudden chicken death

    Scratch they only get a very small handful every other day for what was 26 now 25 chickens
  3. P

    Sudden chicken death

    Ours only get some scratch, a flock block,their feed and occasional veggies and whatever they might find in their run like bugs etc.
  4. P

    Sudden chicken death

    No wet feed, everything is protected, no mold, and I saw no spiders or need any where when I examined the coop and run area.
  5. P

    Sudden chicken death

    No...Im not going to be able to do one..Weak stomach. She was fine 2 hrs before when my daughter left them all out of the coop. We feed them a layer mash from our local feed store, it's what we have always feed our hens for years. She didn't feel overly fatty in abdomen...felt normal. I felt...
  6. P

    Sudden chicken death

    They have a huge run,their feed,a flock block,scratch and oyster shell.. Nothing new to get into:(
  7. P

    Sudden chicken death

    I just took this pic of her yesterday and she was fine:( She is the Barred Rock in front
  8. P

    Sudden chicken death

    I realize that, just wondering if anyone had any similar situations and if maybe they found the cause is all
  9. P

    Sudden chicken death

    Today at 9 am I went back to the cool to gather eggs. I found Walker my one barred rock hen who is about 6 months old dead on her side. No injury,not egg bound, abdomen was still warm but legs were stiff, eyes closed. :( She was one of my kids favorites not sure how I'll break the news to them...
  10. P

    Help for grieving duck

    Thank all my not love this part however. Love living back in the woods but hate the predators:(
  11. P

    Help for grieving duck

    Thank you...I am the owner of a mini we have 26 hens, now 3 ducks,2 goats,a rabbit, 2 dogs,2cats.. (and a partridge in a pear
  12. P

    Help for grieving duck

    Sorry that wasn't suppose to post, new to this. What I was trying to say is they have a good sized run, no good way to cover it all...and it's already 6 foot fencing. Currently Frass is in a pen with Cracker and Webster, two other drakes and also with 2 Nigerian/Pygmy cross goats. Hoping the...
  13. P

    Help for grieving duck

    He is totally unharmed physically ...emotionally not so breaks my heart to see how much he misses her..they have been together since babies..almost 2 years .
  14. P

    Help for grieving duck

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