Recent content by paintedChix

  1. paintedChix

    Sexing/Breed Questions (Sapphire Gems? / Baby chick crew! Bonus, DUCKS!)

    How old are they now? They have REALLY tiny combs. Bee a while since I've had chicks & no pics of barred rocks, but thought combs would be bigger...
  2. paintedChix

    Sexing/Breed Questions (Sapphire Gems? / Baby chick crew! Bonus, DUCKS!)

    What hatchery has true Blue Plymouth Rocks? They appear to be pretty hard to get w/ breeders of Plymouth Rocks, didn't know any hatchery had them... Shaphire Gems are a cross between Barred Plymouth Rocks & Blue Andalusions (in first generation). Not sure, if you continued to breed sister to...
  3. paintedChix

    Did Tractor Supply sell me me roos?!

    Agree w/ all the above comments. To see what I posted as to TSC - Post in thread 'Are my California White and Barred Rock roos?'
  4. paintedChix

    Are my California White and Barred Rock roos?

    When I started going to TSC's here in NC, clear back in 1997, I wasn't into chickens yet. BUT I did have ponies & some things were WAY different here in the south than out west. It was extremely NICE to deal w/ the KNOWLEDGABLE employees TSC hired back then. Most had livestock of their own...
  5. paintedChix

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Must be on outside edge of parade route!! :lau I love the duckling!
  6. paintedChix

    Modified Hoop Coop Design Development

    Aww. Nobody has been back. However, this (both original OP & "guest OP") have given me ideas that a coop built like this would work in MT. SO thank you to all with the input!!
  7. paintedChix

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    THANX for the welcome back! Things have been crazy!! For now I have time - not currently working, spouse taking care of the only 3 birds we have at the moment. I have internet access. So, for a bit, yes I'm back. If I return to work, even part time, at first, will be exhausting. So may...
  8. paintedChix

    Help with Genetics! BCM rooster x BO, etc.

    Your chcks hatched in May? How did the chicks color up? Very curious!!
  9. paintedChix

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    I swear it looks like the rooster & hen are joined & the chickens, bottom far right, yep they are joined. Kinda disturbing like 3 of my "chicken riding a centaur" were, LOL!
  10. paintedChix

    Update on GROUNDS Coffee Ground Bedding for your coop!

    If you've read the whole thread, it's time to try it. If it works for you, great! If it doesn't, stop using it. That's great, too, as now you will know. I haven't been able to get bags of it at TSC or other feed mill stores here in NC. Doesn't matter - all of our coops/tractors are open...
  11. paintedChix

    Update on GROUNDS Coffee Ground Bedding for your coop!

    Here's a picture of the under the tarp ortion of an 8x16 hoop coop/run. We'd already had a ton of rain, I didn't have already bagged leaves ready & no time to collect semi- dry leaves from forested areas...
  12. paintedChix

    Update on GROUNDS Coffee Ground Bedding for your coop!

    Bale of straw can be put next to compost area, shake a flake over added compost as needed. Shredded paper/cardboard works for this as well.
  13. paintedChix

    Update on GROUNDS Coffee Ground Bedding for your coop!

    I've done same. All of our personal, various coffee filters (removed from kuerig k-cups, filters in electric brewer, kuerig filters in steel coffee holder, regular Mr Coffee & small round ones? French press?) go out to compost. When chickens access it, they will tear up the filters. I...
  14. paintedChix

    Bear problems Omlet coop

    And sometimes that doesn't work. A friend of mine lives just out of Kalispell, MT. She had 2 strands of hot wire up around her coop and chicken run. Pretty close to town in a neighborhood w/ varying lots - some literally less than 1/4 acre & houses "on top" of each other. Hers is about 1-1/2...
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