Recent content by Padmewasmurdered

  1. Padmewasmurdered

    Pendulous Crop

    Hello friends! After almost a year of no health issues, our sweet Munchie just came up with a ballooned crop out of nowhere! Pretty sure after researching it is PC. Have you ever made a chicken vomit? It’s not fun! So I have questions... 1). Anyone used a crop bra? 2). If no crop bra...
  2. Padmewasmurdered

    Keeping Chickens Cool In a Heat Wave

    I cut the ends of an unshucked corn cobb & then I peel a few outer layers. Throw that in the freezer & its a good treat to cool them off. They can pick a cobb clean. If you don’t have access to fresh corn, I have used those half cobbs u get in the freezer section with success. The frozen...
  3. Padmewasmurdered

    Cooling off the Chickens?

    I take fresh corn & pull a few layers of husk off & throw in a freezer bag. Chuck it in the run frozen solid & they LOVE it. The cob is picked clean! The frozen fruit suggestion is great as well. I would buy a mix tho until u figure out who will eat what. Mine love fresh blueberries but...
  4. Padmewasmurdered

    Comment by 'Padmewasmurdered' in article 'Training Chickens to "Coop" at Night'

    Great article! It reminded me of some chickens my granny had that always slept in her pear tree. Your ladies are adorable 😊
  5. Padmewasmurdered

    Pellets or Crumbles??

    Thanks for the tip! You are right about change. We had to lay loads of straw down in the run to mitigate the mud from the 8in of rain in the last week They refused to come out for most of the day. 😂
  6. Padmewasmurdered

    Pellets or Crumbles??

    We got a small bag of pellet flock raiser & did a test run just to see what they thought....I got scared they were sick because they usually pig out at breakfast. They didn’t eat hardly any. My hubbs brought the spare feeder with their usual crumbles & they about took his hand off trying to...
  7. Padmewasmurdered

    Pellets or Crumbles??

    They are 18wks. I was thinking the same about waste as well.
  8. Padmewasmurdered

    Review by 'Padmewasmurdered' in article 'DIY Heated waterer'

    Great article. Chicken keepers are really a creative bunch!
  9. Padmewasmurdered

    Pellets or Crumbles??

    Fermented feed? Tell me more (please😊)
  10. Padmewasmurdered

    Helpful hints for building coops

    If you are a clean freak make sure you build it with ways that make it easy to clean. We painted the inside of the coop as well. I wish we had put linoleum not only on the floors but also the walls. Use hardware cloth & not chicken wire if your area is prone to predators. It will save you...
  11. Padmewasmurdered

    Pellets or Crumbles??

    My ladies are approaching that age where they will start laying. Very exciting! I’ve been feeding Purina Starter Medicated crumbles. Should I switch to pellets? We have 3 Delewares. Thanks!
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