Recent content by OzChickens

  1. O

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Back to incubating after a break from forum
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    Successful 100% forage diet experiment (long post)

    found this while researching for my suburban backyard flock. currently letting them roam my 600 sq m backyard, I give the flock of 8 approx 1L of layer feed a day. I'm pretty sure the slowest/smallest ones get less food. Water is provided inside the chick coops (have one mass manufactured coop...
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    just dropping some reading I found. The apple cider vinegar solution looks attractive due to cheap & readily available.
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    Water feeder - screw on inverted soft drink bottle

    Found these on eBay. Approx au$2 each delivered. Currently testing setup, hangs better in corner, needs an improved design to hold the bottle vertical and water feeder horizontal. One thing I’ve learned is hang the water and food above pooper level. This setup makes it easy to adjust height as...
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    Frustrated with all the options

    I’m in a city where roosters are banned. Fitted an anti crow collar. It doesn’t stop him crowing but limits the volume. Luckily I have pretty chill neighbours and a bit of space.
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    Frustrated with all the options

    I’m in Brisbane Australia. Have been focusing on incubating and raising chicks. Will be selling some on a regular basis now I’m getting the hang of it. I’m still surprised at how few people incubate and raise chicks.
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    Where do you find cheap feed? (Brisbane Australia)

    Where do you source cheap chicken feed? I don't mind the drive to produce stores, and the premixed feed is convenient. I'm still wondering where people source their cheap chicken feed from. I've found my local fruit and vege store quite friendly in giving me a box of scraps which the chickens...
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    How large should the air cell be?

    What book is that from? is there a rule of thumb for how big the air pocket should be as a % of the egg size?
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    9 week old quail started pecking others. blood drawn on back of neck/head.

    I have 6 quail in a small pen, approx 8 weeks old, raised from eggs I incubated, just witnessed one quail starting to peck the others. drawing blood and removing feathers. I've separated the injured from the uninjured into another pen for now. think I've identified the aggressive quail by the...
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    manually pipping a stuck chick.

    update: all 9 chicks are doing well. no splayed legs, no signs of sick chicks. all active and chirping. chatted with my egg supplier and they have offered 12 eggs to replace the infertiles / unhatched. still to diagnose the cause. I'm looking at hygene issues and tighter control on humidity.
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    How to reset day counter on 24s incubator

    Yes. I’ve tried short single press and a long press and hold while it counts from 10 to zero. No difference. It’s very frustrating. Looks like kogan sells an identical model. The website looks identical to the printed manual...
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    Best chicken waterer that won’t rust

    I’m waiting fir some drip feeder water outlets to arrive. Not sure if they will work as promoted. I like the idea of not having to clean a water feeder daily. My parents use an inverted galvanised rubbish bin lid with a water timer filling and flushing it daily.
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    manually pipping a stuck chick.

    Thanks. That is an exceptionally good article.
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    manually pipping a stuck chick.

    I still have mixed thoughts about manually intervening a chick stuck for hours during pipping. This chick pipped initially yesterday, batch was due yesterday, some had pipped and hatched the day before, some were on time. This one pipped it's beak through the egg shell late yesterday, then...
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    How to reset day counter on 24s incubator

    Thanks. I’ve tried the reset method shown in the video. It causes my incubator to cycle down the day counter and to rotate the eggs from one side to another. At end, my day counter does not reset to zero. The hunt for a solution continues.
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