Recent content by One Lucky Momma

  1. One Lucky Momma


    Thank you, MysteryChicken.
  2. One Lucky Momma

    At home euthanasia help

    I am SO sorry for you and your sweet girl having to go through this painful ordeal. I can’t give you any concrete advice other than to say you will have support from this community, from folks far more experienced than I am. Hang on and offer her comfort.
  3. One Lucky Momma


    I found this curled up in an off-color (orangish) poo, outside on the ground. Flock is on mash in the morning and pasture range all day with donkeys and a goat. Everyone seems to be eating and acting normally. Many thanks for your opinions and suggestions.
  4. One Lucky Momma

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    No doubt. Just the same as homecomings, weddings and births.
  5. One Lucky Momma

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    This photograph is simply lovely. It’s calendar material!
  6. One Lucky Momma

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Tax Time Here, Mr. Aegis is giving Bertie a tour of the nest boxes. She and flockmate Maizie had just moved in with us after a harrowing night of carnage in their former home. Aegis did his best to make them comfortable; I swear his tenderness was palpable. This was the first time we’d...
  7. One Lucky Momma

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    I misunderstood at some point that the property was in your partner’s family. Sorry. You are certainly a thoughtful steward for the place which looks to be a couple of centuries old. I expect the house is happy you all are there.
  8. One Lucky Momma

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    This is true. Well said. @ManueB authors the most lyrical posts. She takes us on holiday every time. I’m chagrined to say I have relatives like the wicked stepfather too. It’s an embarrassment, but more, it’s frightening to know there are many people like him. I have to ask, if the...
  9. One Lucky Momma

    Anybody have any howling dogs?

    Maggie and Rosie, our two donkeys, bray if they think I’ve forgotten their dinner time. When they start up, Dusty, a geriatric lab/shepherd and Sissy, our little pit rescue, join in enthusiastically. It sounds like Bremen Town Musicians How it all started is hilarious. These two dogs...
  10. One Lucky Momma

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Congratulations. :yesss: Please do invite us all to the ribbon cutting. We’ll bring tasty refreshments and lovely housewarming gifts. And that massage therapist. Seriously, I think we all grasp the significance of the event and we are deeply happy for you and the flock.
  11. One Lucky Momma

    Review by 'One Lucky Momma' in article 'Broody Management - From the First Turkey Strut to Weaning the Chicks'

    When one of my hens gave me reason to suspect she was heading down the broody path and I knew less about it than she did, I came looking for guidance and thankfully this was the first article I found. DobieLover’s vivid description of a hen gone broody confirmed my suspicions. We’re...
  12. One Lucky Momma

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    I conclude this gentleman loved his birds and invested tremendous time and effort in their wellbeing.
  13. One Lucky Momma

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    As I got older, and a little smarter about some things, I realized we woefully underestimate the intelligence of other species.
  14. One Lucky Momma

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Thank you. It’s good to be here.
  15. One Lucky Momma

    Deep litter question!

    Our 6x8 ft coop houses 10 birds. We use pine shavings - two compressed bales will fill the floor to a depth of about 6-8 inches when new and fresh. Ix6” boards at the people door and pop door keep the shavings contained. I don’t believe is adds to summer heat, and it does seem to contribute...
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