Recent content by OlyChickenGuy

  1. OlyChickenGuy


    Five stars because despite the moderate spelling and grammatical errors, this person has EXCELLENT and IMPORTANT information about a subject that there's much too much misinformation about freely available. Gamebird dubbers completely neglect the idea of a comb having a "root", or the fact that...
  2. OlyChickenGuy


    It's been a long time since I signed on here, but I wanted to leave a comment thanking you for this. I've rescued roosters for over a decade, and luckily have never had to deal with this. Only twice did I deal with frostbite, which is when I started looking into dubbing. Thank you so much for...
  3. OlyChickenGuy

    New to Peas- What's Mine Saying?

    I'm wondering about the peanuts. It seems that both peafowl and peanuts come from about the same place, so do peafowl have an immunity to the fungus in raw peanuts that other birds do not? This fungus is a) what helps peanuts germinate, and b) the reason why people caution against feeding raw...
  4. OlyChickenGuy

    New to Peas- What's Mine Saying?

    Thank you for the response. My camera is out of commission, and the only photos I can find are the photos someone else posted to the Lost and Found Pets page on Facebook, which it wouldn't let me save, so here's screen grabs. I'd love to get some photos of his spurs before they grow in any...
  5. OlyChickenGuy

    New to Peas- What's Mine Saying?

    Hello, pea-peeps! I recently had a peacock walk into my life, and have been having a difficult time researching all the little quirks I've noticed in this guy. And yes, I have read the peafowl 101 stickies, and more. I've spent the last decade rescuing roosters, but the last two years have...
  6. OlyChickenGuy

    Jelly-like Substance on Chicken Meat

    My house mate slaughtered and skinned a chicken, I butchered. While cleaning what was left, I noticed that the chicken- a buff Orpington roo, about a year old- had what looked like jellyfish jelly all over his meat, most concentrated between his thighs and body. His liver was also huge. I'm...
  7. OlyChickenGuy

    Has anyone ever actually succeeded in retraining an aggressive rooster?

    I just disagree with the wing-a-ling dance by charging the bird, but just a little bit. Just enough to throw them off and go, "Oh! Hey! What's going on?" Millan's description of correcting a behaviour is "redirecting their attention", so you don't need to do much- just distract them from...
  8. OlyChickenGuy

    Has anyone ever actually succeeded in retraining an aggressive rooster?

    Viola- I hate, hate, HATE the general consensus on how to treat roosters! Kicking, punting, beating, or otherwise hurting the bird into submission doesn't create a respectful, calm bond- it creates fear, agitation, and ultimately a ticking time-bomb of a pet that could go off at any moment...
  9. OlyChickenGuy

    Has anyone ever actually succeeded in retraining an aggressive rooster?

    When I hold my boys, I hold a hand or arm over their rump, which triggers an instinct not to poop. They still need to be taken somewhere to defecate every hour or so until they're used to holding it ( I never let my birds go more than five hours without a bathroom break ). Alternatively, just...
  10. OlyChickenGuy

    Has anyone ever actually succeeded in retraining an aggressive rooster?

    Viola- Your desire to express and establish dominance is good, as it gets your birds used to your presence as a no-nonsense and consistent flock leader. However, both my and Millan's techniques are not intended to be about strict negative reinforcement, which is what it sounds like you have...
  11. OlyChickenGuy

    Has anyone ever actually succeeded in retraining an aggressive rooster?

    Pish- Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. One thing that has changed for me since making this thread is that I am now homeless, but still with my roosters camping in a large portion of wooded area. If your bird is young, it is completely normal for him to go from docile to aggressive, and...
  12. OlyChickenGuy

    My Beloved Roo Is Becoming A Problem...despite all attempts to turn him around.

    I'm writing this on my phone right now, so please forgive my lack of verbosity for now, but I've decided that I'm going to bring you something no one else here has brought to this discussion regarding supporting or denying personal experiences. I shall now load you up with a whole bunch of...
  13. OlyChickenGuy

    My Beloved Roo Is Becoming A Problem...despite all attempts to turn him around.

    Okay, I admit I haven't read any of the replies - only the main post, so forgive me for butting in, but I'm on a library computer and only have eight minutes to outline this. I rescue roosters. I've rescued aggressive roosters and rehabilitated them. I have a fighting cock that now lives...
  14. OlyChickenGuy

    Has anyone ever actually succeeded in retraining an aggressive rooster?

    Hi guys. I haven't read any more comments ( no time ), but I made some videos on how I go about catching my chickens: The second one has how I use the hockey stick, too. No news on my laptop yet. I hope to be able to sit down and read / write sometime soon!
  15. OlyChickenGuy

    Has anyone ever actually succeeded in retraining an aggressive rooster?

    I remembered another trick for corraling that I've used. Take the fence in its normal curled state and unwind it some. Since chickens naturally run along side things, you can chase them into the spiral where they'll eventually get stuck, then you can scoop them right up! As for hitting your...
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