Recent content by Novaleigh

  1. Novaleigh

    Peacocks Breeding Turkeys?

    I would like to know the answer to this. Why? Because we had some peacock (no idea where he came from) fly down from the skies to woo our turkey girl Lucy (bourbon red turkey). I was wondering if those two would actually pair up and create fertile eggs (we have no tom turkey).
  2. Novaleigh

    The Prettiest Hen(s) Show! ENDS JUNE 15, 2013

    Name: Silvermist Breed: Easter Egger (Father: Wheaten Ameraucana. Mother: Easter Egger) Age: 2 months Personality: Loving
  3. Novaleigh

    Vote to legalize CHICKENS in Chandler, AZ!!! 5/1/13 PLEASE!!

    The new bill will make it very difficult to own chickens under the noise ordinance. BUT! Did any of you notice the dog section that they slipped into the bill? Making it virtually impossible to do anything about noisy dog barking? I think the person who slipped that part into the bill owns a...
  4. Novaleigh

    can a goose hatch chicken eggs?

    I have a young goose who went broody. She has turned aggressive and insists on laying on a bare spot of ground to brood. Her eggs are not fertile. I was debating on whether or not to put fertilized chicken eggs under her.....will it work? Will she mother and raise them? I can't find much on the...
  5. Novaleigh

    Will a broody hen raise chicks?

    Veldfire is a Partridge Rock and all of the babies she is raising is 3/4 Ameraucana (father is Wheaten Ameraucana, mothers are Easter Eggers).
  6. Novaleigh

    Pretty Roosters

    Here is a beautiful boy. He is half black silkie and half Easter Egger. And here is our Black Sumatra rooster! He is covered in dirt (dust bathing), yet still manages to shine like he is covered in slick oil! =)
  7. Novaleigh

    Will a broody hen raise chicks?

    I had some 8 chicks in the brooder who were 6 days old. My hen, Veldfire, just hatched out her own clutch of eggs earlier this morning. I wondered if Veldfire would accept and raise the older chicks along with her own younger babies. I put them next to her (in daylight), and she called them all...
  8. Novaleigh

    GRRR! My rooster won't mate!

    Mahonri, I have both wheaten roo brothers that I got from you. The boys who were hatched mid April of this year. They aren't even interested in the ladies yet. One crows all the time, the other one crowed for the first time last week! I guess they are only 7 months old still....patience is...
  9. Novaleigh

    One Broody Bantam hen and they all stop laying ??

    Well, I moved Veldfire and her eggs to a safe location away from the flock so she can raise her babies in peace when they hatch next week. I am kicking myself for not removing her from the coop earlier! I already got 3 eggs in the nest boxes this morning! It is almost like the other hens are...
  10. Novaleigh

    Is it safe to move a broody hen sitting on eggs?

    Well, this morning was the moment of truth! She adapted to her new nesting location without a hitch! She is happy and laying on her eggs =) After getting up briefly for some food and water, she went right back to her eggs. YAY!
  11. Novaleigh

    One Broody Bantam hen and they all stop laying ??

    Ok, so I found out what was happening. Miss broody pants was obviously sending some sort of chicken message to "GO AWAY!!!!" to the other hens. Some hens flat out stopped laying, others found somewhere else to lay their eggs. My hens have NEVER laid their eggs other then in the nest boxes in the...
  12. Novaleigh

    Is it safe to move a broody hen sitting on eggs?

    Thank you so much for the advice! Our coop is high up (we have flood irrigation) and Veldfire's soon to be chicks were not safe up there. I moved her tonight into the "chick pen" for her to raise her babies when they hatch next week. She was laying in an aluminum turkey pan (yes, the kind to...
  13. Novaleigh

    The object to your left is now your weapon of choice in the upcoming zombie apocalypse.What is it?

    The kids' school handbook of rules and regulations. Hmmm..... well, I could always read them to the zombies and I am sure the zombies would be more then happy to storm the school for rules that sound good on paper but are NEVER enforced unless they are stupid rules. Dress code is strict, but...
  14. Novaleigh

    if one is setting, will they all stop laying?

    I have this same problem. One hen went broody, and they all stopped laying! No additional eggs (apart from her original count) were added. So I know she isn't collecting other hens' eggs or the other hens laying in her nest box when miss broody gets her food and water. They just all magically...
  15. Novaleigh

    One Broody Bantam hen and they all stop laying ??

    I have had the EXACT same problem!!! One hen went broody, and they all stopped laying! I went from 8 to 10 eggs a day to 0 for a week straight! The broody hen has no additional eggs, so I know for a fact that she has not collected anyone elses eggs. Parasite and bug check went well. There are no...
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