Recent content by NoNeck

  1. N

    I think I accidentally snapped my broody hen out of it

    Hi ! My silkie has been broody for about 2 weeks. She is a great mother and has hatched out chicks and adopted chicke in the past. I bought baby chicks today finally so I can pop them under her at night. I brought the chicks up to get some sun and to be on the grass. My silkie did not see them...
  2. N

    Rooster, eye swollen

    Okay great thank you so much ! So helpful
  3. N

    Rooster, eye swollen

    Im in Australia. We do have mosquitos around our place at the moment. Ill pick up some antibiotics. Would regular chicken antibiotics be fine.. that he can drink, or does it have to be something i apply to his eye? I have noticed a drop in egg production in the last week for my girls.. i did a...
  4. N

    Rooster, eye swollen

    I've realised since yesterday my Australop roosters eye has been swollen (almost shut). Just one eye. I noticed today it had some pus coming out. I dont know if hes sick. Hes not showing any other signs, or if maybe my other rooster injured him? They do fight sometimes but nothing dramatic. I...
  5. N

    Are they eating their eggs?

    About a week ago I found an egg in my nesting box, that had no shell. I thought maybe one of my hens had laid an egg without the shell which I understand can happen sometimes. A day later I saw clear goop in the nesting box (essentially the egg without the shell or yolk). I didnt think much of...
  6. N

    Moving a broody silkie

    Hi! I have a silkie that's gone broody. I do not want to break her broodiness as she is an amazing mother. Yesterday I moved her into a separate coop so she doesnt get confused with all the other eggs around etc. She just keeps walking around making her clucking sound and shes not accepting the...
  7. N

    Australop hen screeching at me and raising her feathers

    She is making some clucking sounds. Hopefully she holds off a bit! Im still waiting for my current babies to mature out of the "maternity coop" haha
  8. N

    Australop hen screeching at me and raising her feathers

    Hi! The last week or so, my grey Australop hen has been screeching at me and even my husband and raising her neck feathers whenever I walk past her. Just to make it clear .. she is not in the nesting box when this happens. This happens when she is free ranging. I dont know if it happens when...
  9. N

    How long do your hens take to pop out an egg?

    Hi! I'm curious how long hens usually stay in their nesting box before popping out an egg? How long do your hens take to do their business? I wonder if it varies a lot or if most hens spend roughly the same amount of time in the box
  10. N

    Unusual behaviour favorelle

    Thanks so much everyone ! We will see over the next few days :)!
  11. N

    Unusual behaviour favorelle

    I just realised shes not 7 or 8 months yet. She hatched at the very end of Feb.. so that would make her just over 6 months.... could it be that shes "practising laying"? Because i dont know if shes laid her first egg yet. Its hard for me to tell as I have a mix of breeds. I did realise about 2...
  12. N

    Unusual behaviour favorelle

    Hi all! The last 2 or 3 days I have realised that my 7/8 month old favorelle has been has been venturing off to "lay". She free ranges along with my other hens. But when I go to check her new spot, there are no eggs. I had a feeling she might have been egg bound.. because maybe she was trying to...
  13. N

    Rooster pecking hens while other rooster mounts

    It seems that they're fine. I mean half the time the hens dont squat for the roosters and they dont run for them.. they just ignore them most times. So i dont think there's any fear there. Do you think they will grow out of it? I really dont want to rehome any of the roosters as we've grown such...
  14. N

    Rooster pecking hens while other rooster mounts

    Hi! I have 2 Australop roosters that are about 5 months old. I have 19 other hens. I have realised that when my least dominant rooster hops onto a hen, the dominant rooster starts pecking at the poor hens face. I dont know if this is something i should be concerned about. There isnt any blood...
  15. N

    15 week old Australop- Cockerel or Pullet?

    Whoops ! Thats okay i guess I'll just leave it at that for now haha I'm sure hes a boy.. we'll see in a few weeks though
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