Recent content by Nomibird

  1. Nomibird

    Review by 'Nomibird' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    Love the article but I wonder why no one ever puts chickweed on the list of treats. If your chickens aren’t free range they will never get this unless you pull it fro m your garden. Chickweed is a prevalent garden weed in Arkansas and my chickens favorite treat.
  2. Nomibird

    Anybody seeing there chickens molting early this year?

    My chickens molt when they feel like it. I have buff orps and Australorps and from the beginning they molted at the craziest times. At 10 months of age in some of the coldest weather (minus degrees) we have had in northern Arkansas, mine decided that would be a good time to do a molt, and...
  3. Nomibird

    Review by 'Nomibird' in article 'Keeping Chickens Without Free Ranging'

    I like these ideas and may incorporate some but you don’t mention chicken tractors at all. Mine gets moved once a week so they have new forage, plus it keeps them safe in a high predator area.
  4. Nomibird

    Ordering chicks! Help me pick a breed😁

    I have buffs and Australorps. People will say Australorps can be bullies but in my yard the buffs rule. Both lay well are cold and heat hardy and gentle friendly birds
  5. Nomibird

    Neighbor's dog attacking chickens.

    Sorry, I don’t read this often. I hope these come through. We use hard wire cloth and there is a 12 inch skirt around the bottom so predators must dig down and under that 12 inches to get in. And this is my first time inserting photos and I appear to not do it well.
  6. Nomibird

    Neighbor's dog attacking chickens.

    This is why I keep my girls in a chicken tractor that my husband built and is virtually predator proof. We have dogs and cats that are feral as well as coyotes, raccoons and anything else you can name. We move it at least weekly and they don’t even want to come out. It is home to them. If...
  7. Nomibird

    How cold is too cold?

    It is now up to 7 degrees. One Australorp puts its head out this morning and went back in. No one came out. At twelve noon, I put food in the coop, the girls all greeted me, but one is wanting out in the wind. At 1, I could stand it no longer since no one had anything to drink since...
  8. Nomibird

    How cold is too cold?

    Well, I will find out tonight how my chickens fair at 1 to -4 degrees in Arkansas (of all places.) They seemed to weather the day well but when it became time to roost this evening no one moved. And I have a thermometer in there that confirmed it was warmer and drier in the coop. So I picked...
  9. Nomibird

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I will try that. Only one of the 10 that is molting. She looks so bad next to everyone else. 😔
  10. Nomibird

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I am so thankful to hear this. I have one pullet (hatched in early March) who decided as her first full molt to do it right now since the weather is cold and rainy. As a new chicken mama, I thought I would check with backyard chicken to see if I should panic. But reading this, I feel I can...
  11. Nomibird

    RIR nesting in front of the nesting boxes?

    Oh good! Mine do that same thing. Every one of 11 hens wants number 1 of 4 boxes and they will lay in front of it. I have removed bedding from there and they still lay there.
  12. Nomibird

    Should I warn neighbor that dog might get shot?

    In the area I live in ( rural Arkansas) if a dog is killing any livestock or fowl not only will the owner shoot it, if he misses the neighbors will probably help him out as the dog crosses their land. Check local ordinances and the police. If they have come twice and been successful, they will...
  13. Nomibird

    I am so excited. One of my buffs did the egg squat and I ran across the yard yelling for my...

    I am so excited. One of my buffs did the egg squat and I ran across the yard yelling for my husband. Now you have to realize I am 68 years old and you would have thought I was 10. This chicken thing really gets to you.
  14. Nomibird

    What Breed to pick?

    I have buff orps and australorps . Good with hot or cold. Very docile. Lots of eggs.
  15. Nomibird

    New hobby chickens

    Hi, My name is Naomi and we are in northern Arkansas. I have collected chicken eggs and cleaned chicken houses when staying on farms as a girl but that was in the last century. My husband has bees and we thought that chickens would be a nice addition plus I have always wanted some. So I...
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