Recent content by nnuc

  1. N

    Places where roosters can crow

    Thank you so, so, so much everyone for all of your comments and suggestions and inputs! All comments are very informative for me and I will definitely research more on what you've recommended! Sorry for the late reply as life has been quite busy for me recently. Truly hope I can get to afford a...
  2. N

    Places where roosters can crow

    Thank you so much to all for your whole-hearted replies and understanding! I've just recently lost my 12 roosters in France because of, well, many things. No matter how much I tried to go against the current cruelty towards roosters (maybe you already know about the various methods to instantly...
  3. N

    Places where roosters can crow

    Hello all! I would like to count on your knowledge to make a list of all places in the USA where, simply put, roosters can crow. I will move to the US, and we have decided that we will only live where the roosters can crow, no invasive complaints, no irrational laws, no whatever. Anywhere, any...
  4. N

    Is this a blood ring?

    Thank you so much for the information and for the link. It's really helpful! Great to see how they can directly see the development inside of the eggs. An update for today: I saw a heart alive a beating last night in that egg. So happy! Let's keep our fingers crossed :D Have a great day!
  5. N

    Is this a blood ring?

    Thank you so much for your reply! That makes me less worried! This egg’s sisters and brothers all have movements - a black spot that appears and disappears (I guess that’s a heart?). This one I’m not sure. Thanks for letting me know that’s something embryos do :D Yes, this egg looked like this...
  6. N

    Is this a blood ring?

    Hello all and thanks for this amazing forum! I’ve been reading many threads in here and also incubating some duck eggs. This is my first time incubating, and I’m quite worried about this egg. The first few days, we turned the eggs horizontally by hand, twice a day. Everything was going great...
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