Recent content by Nksg75

  1. Nksg75


    So after the horrible hail storm we had in Fort Bend County Texas, I have tallied up the approx number of dead birds(not chickens) we found. Close to 100! Those poor things were plummeted with golf ball size hail! Probably should have bagged them all up instead of tossing them in the pile with...
  2. Nksg75


    Yes, thank goodness it wasn’t live chicks
  3. Nksg75


    Not sure if anyone is thinking about ordering chicks in the near future or not! I would advise against it! After waiting on my worming medication since January 9th, I went to find out what in the world was taking so long, and what I learned was shocking. If you are not aware of the major USPS...
  4. Nksg75

    Large flock with round worms, need advice on dosage

    Well it looks like I may never receive the wormer due to issues with the USPS. I am in south Texas and like many other residents here my packages are stuck at one of the few sorting facilities that has decided to “Upgrade and revamp their systems”. I am just glad I didn’t order chicks. So now...
  5. Nksg75

    Large flock with round worms, need advice on dosage

    Yes, they are free ranging sun-up till dusk! I clean all the dropping boards every other day. the litter is a dirt floor with the leftover horse stall shavings added almost daily. I try and till it all together once a month. As soon as the package arrives I will use it. It was sent out Jan 9th...
  6. Nksg75

    Large flock with round worms, need advice on dosage

    i bought a wormer powder from Jed’s bird supply online called Wormer Deluxe Powder, and it is to be used in the drinking water. I have almost 200 chickens, and usually do the safeguard mash for 5 days, however I have used that several times, and wanted to switch products to make it a bit easier...
  7. Nksg75

    Anyone Else with Low Egg Production?

    Out of 180 chickens can anyone guess how many eggs I have been getting for the past few weeks? I just laugh at my feed bill this time of year, however I realize it’s winter after all! answer: maybe 1-2 dozen a day from the girls
  8. Nksg75

    *POLL*What do you consider too much money for a chick ?

    I voted no, however top dollar to me may not be the same to others. I have paid $50-60 dollars for special hatching eggs before, so I guess what I am trying to say is that per chick I would not pay anything over $20.00 i personally get most of my flock from hatcheries, and very happy with them...
  9. Nksg75

    Need help figuring out what caused eye to turn grey

    Ok, thank you all for the suggestions. Yes i also noticed that sunken in eye area as well. However if I can remember correctly, she has been like that for as long as I can remember. As far as ammonia toxic goes, I am going to say probably not. Here in south texas I have more of an open coop.(2...
  10. Nksg75

    Need help figuring out what caused eye to turn grey

    Good morning, i have a 2 year old hen who started to act depressed about 3 weeks ago. I originally thought the girl may be starting to molt until I slowly started to notice she was being picked on a whole lot. She started to lose some weight, so I made sure she had time away from the others to...
  11. Nksg75

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Hi there, just curious if any of you can point me in the right direction. i am looking to purchase either hatching eggs or chicks from a good quality breeder of BCM. i am in texas, so distance is important for both the shipment of eggs and/or chicks. The closer to me the better. instead of...
  12. Nksg75

    Integrating 2-3 hens into a mixed flock of 180

    That might be a little hard to do considering all nest boxes are inside and right now it’s over 100* everyday here in south Texas. i do have plenty of shade outside, however I could always do it later in the evening when most are done laying. i am still trying to capture the one last chicken...
  13. Nksg75

    Integrating 2-3 hens into a mixed flock of 180

    This is kind of what I am trying to understand… I thought that since I have 180 in the flock that the others wouldn’t really know that they weren’t always there.
  14. Nksg75

    Integrating 2-3 hens into a mixed flock of 180

    yes and no. They have met, but since we both had roosters, not really ranged together so much. mine would spend more time over there than his would over at our place. They would venture over, only to be met by my sheer numbers, and would not hang around too long.
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