Recent content by NightingaleJen

  1. NightingaleJen

    Goodness Gracious it's been a Broody Spring!

    They can be so funny. Typically I gather the eggs into a basket just sitting in the coop, but it was of course in full view of the broodies. One of them literally charged toward the basket when I let her out after three days to see how she was doing. Lesson learned. Hurrah for dish towel...
  2. NightingaleJen

    Goodness Gracious it's been a Broody Spring!

    We also have had a pretty busy rotation in and out of broody jail, to the point we had to buy a second crate for the purpose. I think five or six of our twenty-two girls have gone broody this spring, three of them more than once. A friend who also has chickens has had a few of her girls go...
  3. NightingaleJen

    Relationship Between Hen and Grown Chicks: Will She Be Nicer?

    After 4-6 weeks, the hen will ignore and even seem to be mean toward the chicks. This can last for a little while. That said, once those chicks are adults, I have watched that very same hen buddy up with the chicks she hatched out and raised.
  4. NightingaleJen


    I know this is an older thread, but does this work? Quite a few of my birds have no wattles at all, or teeny tiny ones, and dosing even the sweetest ones is a trial. They do love mash, though! (We tried bread once, and the girls didn't even know what it was.)
  5. NightingaleJen

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Thank you! I did decide to just toss them into the trash. It's not that big a deal.
  6. NightingaleJen

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Yes, this, and also my hens tend to get into the compost pile. Apparently it is their right to do so, or that is what they tell me...
  7. NightingaleJen

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Thank you. Tossing them seems wisest to me, too.
  8. NightingaleJen

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Ha, mine too! Using the limed eggs for baking, mostly, since I hate to waste them after the girls put in the work laying and I preserved them. ;)
  9. NightingaleJen

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Brisk but sunny here today. :) Has anyone preserved their eggs in lime solution? Is it safe to give shells from those eggs back to my flock, or is it safer not to do so?
  10. NightingaleJen

    How did my rooster get poop on his comb and how do I clean it off?

    Well, I can make a fair guess as to how he ended up with poop on his comb, but should I try to clean it off? Brushing with a dry paper towel didn't do much more than confuse him, but temperatures are also going to drop below freezing tonight, so I'm cautious about using water with gentle soap...
  11. NightingaleJen

    Coughing /sneezing bubbles in eyes WITH VIDEO

    So just one more (God willing) update on Mini, who laid a lovely egg and then bowled her way between two Australorps to get some mash before being chased off by another bird (I may put a saddle on her until those feathers grow back in...) and taking her wrath out on a couple of Plymouth Rocks...
  12. NightingaleJen

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    How funny, I've been saying the same thing for a couple of weeks. Just something in the air, maybe, or figuring we are about to get slammed because last year's was so mild as to be almost nothing, save the Christmas blizzard.
  13. NightingaleJen

    Coughing /sneezing bubbles in eyes WITH VIDEO

    Thank you, that was my fear. That said, I just checked on her again and she continues to seem perfectly fine!
  14. NightingaleJen

    Coughing /sneezing bubbles in eyes WITH VIDEO

    Well, now she has stopped completely and is ensconced in her favorite nest box. Breathing sounds fine. Her eyes look dilated, but it is quite overcast. Did she just get herself into trouble somehow? BTW, her name is Mini. She is a little hen but had a gigantic personality! She is a favorite...
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