Recent content by Nicanor

  1. Nicanor

    Ended May Madness, a Random Funny Posting Contest

    view them by using chrome💡try it :thumbsup:cool:
  2. Nicanor


    There isn't any blood in the feces but sadly🐔😈✖💀💀💢🙎🙍
  3. Nicanor

    hello I am new to the community,we have some chicks.We are planning for december☃☃❄❄🍗🍚

    😳😳that long ??That's a wonder to me We have only started poultry keeping just 2yrs ago.May be I will learn something over here.Journeys start with one step
  4. Nicanor

    Ended May Madness, a Random Funny Posting Contest

    😱😲😂😂once bitten twice shy...,,
  5. Nicanor


    My chick is about 5 months old .It have been well but have recently shown some signs like spending most of its time standing or sitting on one place ,it turns its head backwards and hide it in its feathers while sometimes it place its head low .I gave it some food but it wasn't eating .Its eyes...
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