Recent content by newchicksnducks

  1. newchicksnducks

    Tractor height

    Thanks, iwitfum. Apparently my husband was thinking large and ended up making it 30" tall...still will be a bit difficult on butchering day, lol!
  2. newchicksnducks

    Tractor height

    We will be picking 8 cornish rocks and 4 broiler chicks next week. Hubby is building a tractor this week. It will basically be a rectangle with wheels. What height should it be? Hubby thought 24 inch high would be tall enough, but altho I've had layers for over a decade, this is our first time...
  3. newchicksnducks

    EE boy or girl? I just don't get it....

    I wouldn't go by color...I actually had a white EE. Your chick does look like a pullet. I've had several over the years for comparison :-) Mine are usually larger than my other breeds (such as Comets, Barred Rocks, Wynandottes, etc) so don't let her larger size scare you.
  4. newchicksnducks

    Meyer Hatchery: TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE!!

    I'm so sorry this happened to you. As someone who works in customer service, I realize how much your contacts attitudes can totally change your experience. I've been ordering and picking up from Meyer's for 10 years- around 75 chicks over the years. So far, I've never had one wrongly sexed...
  5. newchicksnducks

    Is this a cockerel 9 week old golden laced wyandotte.

    Tail feathers are rounder - I say pullet :-)
  6. newchicksnducks

    roost design (pic)

    Your larger breed hens are more likely to get bumble foot mostly because the land harder when they jump down from the roost. They are more likely to get a splinter, step harder on a rock and get a cut, etc. I'm afraid the fabric covered roost will soon become feces covered and trap bacteria...
  7. newchicksnducks

    Do You Disinfect Your Coop?

    I would like to say I do it annually, but like Spring Cleaning on the house, it often gets pushed aside *sigh* I too do maintenance (clean the droppings board, empty shavings 2x a year, etc. Disinfecting helps get the bacteria and other "critters" that may be hiding in the woodwork.
  8. newchicksnducks

    Anyone have luck right off the bat adding chicks to older hens?

    Over the years I've added several "batches" of babies in with the older girls. After the 3rd or 4th group of babies in the house, my hubby said "No More!" So I've come up with a brooder that doesn't make a dusty mess of the house. I sectioned off a 2 1/2' x 4' section in the coop with panels...
  9. newchicksnducks

    Leg color on Barred Rocks

    Hmm...might have to find out for sure once they start laying. I did notice one bird was darker than the other (dark bird has white legs), but the combs on both of them are similar. I was just curious why the difference in legs. Since I'm not breeding the birds, I'll just enjoy them whatever...
  10. newchicksnducks

    Leg color on Barred Rocks

    Since I began chicken raising several years ago, I have ordered my day old chicks from a hatchery. They've been terrific, and over the years I've even had 100% success rate on sexing the birds Today for the first time, I picked up started pullets from the same hatchery. These 4 month old...
  11. newchicksnducks

    Boy or Girl Easter Eggers/Americaunas???

    First, they are quite beautiful EE's! The first one does look like a little girl...not sure on the second one yet. It does have the leaner look of a roo, but at 5+ weeks, it's hard to tell. I know you hate to hear it, but the best way to tell is to give it a few more weeks
  12. newchicksnducks

    Who likes Meyer hachery.

    I really like Meyers Hatchery. I've used them for all my birds except the first 3...and one of those ended up with a cross-beak. But all the Meyer's chicks have been nice and healthy. Over the years I've ordered about 5 times from them, for a total of 35 chickens. We've had 100% success on...
  13. newchicksnducks

    Delayed maturity??

    I picked up 9 chicks on May 15, 2012 from Meyer Hatchery. I've had great luck with them through the years - out of 25 chicks or so, all have been successfully sexed . My current group are growing nicely, and include Copper Maran, Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Columbian...
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