Recent content by New2theFlock

  1. New2theFlock

    hawk attack lockdown

    Following this thread. Lost my favorite chicken to a hawk attack today. The tree that provided cover for them and protection from the hawks fell during weekend storms, and just two days later-- boom. There goes Patient Chicken. Am I correct in that if I found her with a broken neck and missing...
  2. New2theFlock

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    Pecky was attacked by the other chickens this evening. Although she was badly wounded, she was still trying to eat when we got her out of the run and to the garage. I decided administering a lethal dose of dog pain killers via some water and scrambled eggs was the best option for a bird...
  3. New2theFlock

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    After being up much of the night researching way too much about deworming chickens, I went to Walmart and chopped up a nice breakfast for Pecky: pumpkin seeds, canned pumpkin, Greek yogurt, oats, bee protein, chili pepper powder, cucumbers, garlic, oregano, turmeric, and shredded...
  4. New2theFlock

    Hen with diarrhea

    Hi @Lalachickens . I'm in the same boat. Pecky, my sick hen, sounds just like yours. She hated the yogurt too until I made a mix of dry oatmeal, bee pollen, and Greek yogurt. I mixed it up and spread it out on a paper plates and put it in the coolest place in my fridge to harden for several...
  5. New2theFlock

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    Got it. Sweet Pecky. During this morning's special breakfast session, although she ate her probiotic snack mix well and drank water she pooped twice-- both clear watery liquid with tiny white granules in it-- smaller than a grain of rice-- maybe half the length and width. Might those have been...
  6. New2theFlock

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    @Razzlefrazzle and other BYC friends, Here's an exciting update. I pulled Pecky aside this morning to get her cleaned up and get some food and liquid into her. - She ate and drank readily, including the Greek yogurt and oat mixture I made. - tailfeathers were not as poop covered as the day...
  7. New2theFlock

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    Thanks. I got her first thing this morning at sunrise I think before she ate. She is skin and bones. Very sad. Breast bone protruding so took a minute to find her crop. Puffiness was just feathers. I gently pressed on the crop, and it did not feel hard or chunky, just full of air and maybe...
  8. New2theFlock

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    Thanks @Razzlefrazzle I saw in another article you recommended the Epsom salt & water combo to help crop move if the coconut oil and massage don't work. Would you recommend that in this case, too? I'll check out Pecky in the morning and get some coconut oil into her before a little massage...
  9. New2theFlock

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    This is so incredibly helpful. Thanks for the information. I'm so frustrated that I likely caused the problem with the antibiotics. It's so hard to know what to do when one is sick. I've never smelled a chicken's breath. Any tips and tricks? Our girls don't really like to be handled. But...
  10. New2theFlock

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    The bulge is definitely higher than it was with the chicken who had water belly last year. Seems like sour crop is it. I'll look into it. I've never smelled a chicken's breath. Our girls don't really like to be handled. But I'll try.
  11. New2theFlock

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    No. She eats chicken feed, specifically Feather Fixer 18% protein, as they were molting this fall and we were having a problem with bullying and father plucking/ eating/ bullying
  12. New2theFlock

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    Pecky is an almost 3 year old blue sapphire gem, is top of the pecking order, but is not well. She has had mystery diarrhea for about two months and has a bulge in her abdomen. Here's what I've done to try to help: - I've cleaned the waterers and feeders - given her baths to clean her up -...
  13. New2theFlock

    How cold is too cold for chickens?

    Currently 11F/ -11C here in the GA mtns. So so cold, and suffice it to say we aren't used to this. Here's what I've done to prepare: 1. Spread thick wheat straw under the coop so they can get out of the wind. 2. Last night's crazy wind gusts knocked over a big pallet in the uncovered run, and...
  14. New2theFlock

    Back end of chicken

    We had similar issues this summer and made some changes like the ones suggested here. Made a big difference and stopped the bullying and feather eating. Good advice.
  15. New2theFlock

    Whole flock stopped laying?!?!

    Correction-- our chickens are 2.75 years old. I lost track during the covid time warp
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