Recent content by Nckyturkma

  1. Nckyturkma

    Rooster with breathing issues not responding to treatment

    I'm so sorry to hear about your rooster. I have a 6-month roo that has had this same symptom for the past several months. 2 vet visits and several antibiotics and nothing helped resolve the rasping. He too had no other symptoms and no other members of the flock were affected. He has normal...
  2. Nckyturkma

    Respiratory infection in roo not clearing with treatment-Pasteurella, Enterococcus

    Update: I gave my roo 1 cc of colloidal silver 10 ppm for 5 days. It did seem to help, but didn't make the wheezing go away. I went on vacation so I stopped the treatment while grandma watched our birds for us. Bo is still doing great, seeming strong and healthy, other than the wheezing, which...
  3. Nckyturkma

    Respiratory infection in roo not clearing with treatment-Pasteurella, Enterococcus

    That's a great point. So far, I am just trying the colloidal silver and the rooster booster. I have been hesitant to give him probiotics because I haven't researched it enough yet to understand the bacteria they need in their gut, but maybe I will just stick with just the two things for now. The...
  4. Nckyturkma

    Respiratory infection in roo not clearing with treatment-Pasteurella, Enterococcus

    Thank you so much for your reply and sharing your information/story with me. That sounds just like my roo. The wheezing did not go away after the doxycyline. He ended the meds on Friday. I am starting to give him rooster booster and going to start him on probiotics to help him recover from the...
  5. Nckyturkma

    Another nerf bullet ingestion incident

    Update 4 days post nerf incident: Gabby the turkey is okay. Still pooping and eating normally. Yay! Hope this may help anyone in the future whose bird unfortunately eats a nerf bullet/nerf foam/etc.
  6. Nckyturkma

    Another nerf bullet ingestion incident

    She pooped again this morning. Yay! It was nice and healthy. I broke it apart and did find some broken up blue stuff from the Nerf foam. Seems like it is breaking apart inside of her.
  7. Nckyturkma

    Another nerf bullet ingestion incident

    Update day 2: Gabby the turkey seems okay so far. Her crop emptied overnight. I don't think I would feel the foam even if it was still in there, but it's not full of food like it was last night. She is eating and drinking and acting normal and as of yesterday was pooping, so i will keep an eye...
  8. Screenshot_20230729_093210_Gallery.jpg


    Gabby on her lounge
  9. Nckyturkma

    Another nerf bullet ingestion incident

    Thank you so much for the info! Unfortunately, we don't have a good avian vet around here. We just spent about $500 at the one near us for our rooster and it was not a good experience- I will not be going back.
  10. Nckyturkma

    Another nerf bullet ingestion incident

    So just an update, I found another one around the yard (was hoping it was the same one and maybe I am crazy and she didn't ingest it- but it has to he a different once because I literally saw her peck and it and then it disappear) and I put it in some water with some grit. After letting it soak...
  11. Nckyturkma

    Another nerf bullet ingestion incident

    Ok thank you. So if her crop does not empty overnight (it is full now), would it mean that her crop has an obstruction from the nerf dart and would crop surgery be a possibility? If it passes from her crop can it obstruct a different part of her digestive system?
  12. Nckyturkma

    Another nerf bullet ingestion incident

    Hello everyone. I have a 6-month turkey. She is a bbb and weighs about 20 lbs. I love her so much, but she tries to get into everything. I never let her free-range unless I am present, because she constantly tries to eat non-edible things and unfortunately our backyard has a lot of random pieces...
  13. Nckyturkma

    Another Nerf Dart Chicken

    What happened to your chicken?
  14. Nckyturkma

    Urgent! Chicken swallowed nerf dart.

    Did your chicken turn out okay?
  15. Nckyturkma

    Respiratory infection in roo not clearing with treatment-Pasteurella, Enterococcus

    I have a 5-month-old ameraucauna rooster. His name is Beau. He's a very sweet guy and i love him a lot. About 2 months ago, we noticed him not closing his beak fully and some head shaking. I looked in his throat, worried he had gape worms, and instead saw what I thought maybe was a little...
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