Recent content by namreknat

  1. namreknat

    Website I thought was pretty cool...

    Thanks for the link. That is a interesting site. I let my girls free range 5 or 6 hrs. a day. I have wondered about feeding fish meal for extra protein, but was afraid it would make the eggs taste fishy. Has anyone tried it?
  2. namreknat

    How not to heat your coop

    Don't be too hard on yourself. There is alot of us here that are learning as we go. (including me) Are your birds OK?
  3. namreknat

    Speckledhen's Ten Commandments of Good Flock Management

    Thanks speckledhen!! That's a very good list of rules.
  4. namreknat

    Brown Leghorn Question

    I think so. I expect them to do a little better when the weather warms up and they get a little older. They have only been laying for about 6 weeks. Good luck with whatever you decide on.
  5. namreknat

    Brown Leghorn Question

    I have 12 brown leghorns that are 61/2 months old and they average 9 or 10 eggs per day. From what I've read the whites are more productive.
  6. namreknat

    scared to take the plunge

    Chickens are easier to take care of than alot of more common pets. Plus they give you fresh eggs for your care. Try it; you will like them!!
  7. namreknat

    tail feathers in baby chicks

    bigmike&nan : Quote: REALLY ??? We have 6 chicks. They are 3 weeks old today (and later tonight). I am retired and handle them a LOT. They ARE spoiled. So at first some were more friendly and forward. But now the ones I THOUGHT might be girls (including the one that has bonded with me most)...
  8. namreknat

    tail feathers in baby chicks

    Could be. A little more time will tell. The combs develop much quicker on the males.
  9. namreknat


    Quote: You know that's my problem exactly! I just got thru going 30 days (cold turkey) without a smoke and then I caved in just because "I just wanted to smoke - I enjoy it." I can go without smoking, but I tend to eventually get down in the dumps when I don't.I think I will try again when...
  10. namreknat

    YAY!!! My New Super Coop!

    Thats a great setup. You have some very lucky birds!!
  11. namreknat

    the girls had their first backyard outing . . .

    Great pictures!! Looks like they enjoyed the outing.
  12. namreknat

    getting baby chicks

    I agree that springtime is best. I got my first batch of chicks July 15 and they were so heat stressed from the trip that I lost 10% of them right away. I got my second batch Oct. 8 and have not lost any and they are healthier than the first group. But it cost much more to keep them warm. Next...
  13. namreknat

    The Bathroom Fairy?

    Quote: Whodunnit???
  14. namreknat

    Flagger job

    To be a flagger you would need a high tolerance to the heat and sunburn. I've seen some flaggers that looked like they were about "well done."
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